1. Facebook
I am super excited this week I accomplished a lot! I put a fan gate on my Facebook page and added a Facebook Freebie for all my "likers":) Have you grabbed these yet? Well you are totally welcome to hop on over for a fb freebie. I will be periodically adding more and in case you haven't heard there is an awesome fb frenzy starting this next week. If you want to be in the "know" just hoover over the Liked button on facebook and click add to news feed - then you will get the scoop when the time comes:)
2. Party and Art Time with friends
We had a super fun time with all our friends this week playing tug a war and making new art masterpieces!
3. Coffee Taste Testing
This weeks new coffee blend is....GEISHA! Have you heard of it? Or better yet have you tried it??? It is super delicious, smooth, and tasty. I have to warn you though it is a little pricey. Even though it's grown all around us on the hillsides of Boquete, Panama, it is still $9 a cup at the local coffee shop! (Don't worry we bought a small bag for that amount which made us about 6 cups:) I heard Starbucks is now selling it in the US...

I just added this ...I am sure you will have fun with it:)
5. I'm still trying to get organized...this is my new cover page to my teacher binder:) What do you think?
I used the clip art above to make it and I am still working on more. Hopefully this week I will get all my digital files organized and my teacher notebook too! Thanks for stopping by and traveling with us...hope you have a wonderful week!

Love the photos. Thanks for sharing! Love the funny clown hat complete with hair. :) Hope you're having a great Saturday!