Day 230 - August 18
We went to Elmo's company picnic and then
broke our record by finding 5 geocaches in one day!
Day 231 - August 19
Spencer fed himself a bit at OT on Monday!
Day 232 - August 20
Tuesday was Chalk the Walks!
Spencer also had his 3 month Thyroid bloodwork drawn - it came back "stable."
Day 233 - August 21
Spencer had his first OT session with a new therapist, Rachel.
Day 234 - August 22
On Thursday, Spencer had his first in-home Speech Therapy session with Marcus.
It was amazing, eye-opening and kind of hard... for Spencer and I, both.
It was also Ronni's first day back to public school.
Day 235 - August 23
Our van... is not well. Dad tried flushing all the
water and replacing with water and anti-freeze.
Our van... is still not well.
Day 236 - August 24
I grow a few flowers on the front porch.

We are taking (at least) a photo a day to keep a record of our year. Join us at any point during the year and start sharing your own daily photos!