Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Matisse's Jazz Unbound


In the last years of the great  French artist Henri Matisse's life, he took up book illustration. The deYoung Museum in San Francisco has an exhibit that are his illustrations from his 1947 book Jazz which was about the circus and theater. These prints were created using Matisse's paper cutouts:

I really found these prints by Matisse very interesting and cool. 

Monday, March 24, 2025

Ole Bolle's Neighborhood

 When I was in Portland, I got to see another of Thomas Dambo's trolls. They made a whole nordic neighborhood for him:

And they had a little gift shop/restaurant that you could get some of Ole's favorite foods:

And the coolest thing was seeing Ole Bolle just hanging out:

I love seeing Thomas Dambo's trolls and I hope to see more in the coming months and years.

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Music Monday: Sounds About Spring

 Ah, it is officially spring. A time of rebirth and renew of life. Here are some songs to mark the beginning of the season:

And because I love this song so much:

Thursday, March 20, 2025

The Compassion Meditation Center

 I had driven by the Compassion Meditation Center in San Lorenzo (near my city) several times and the other day, I decided to stop:

Even though I just walked around the outside, I felt some peace there. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Punk Rock Museum


The Punk Rock Museum in Las Vegas is pretty amazing. It located off the Strip and it really goes into the history, the music and lifestyle of Punk from the 70's to the current day:

Stage wear by The Damned's Captain Sensible

Wizo's Axel Kurth's guitar

Motorhead Lemmy's hat

Worn on Stage by Joan Jett

The Mighty Mighty Boss Tones Ben Carr's Stage Outfit at Fenway Park

Monster created by Alex Pardee for The Used

The Punk Rock Museum is super cool and really enjoyed my visit there. 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Eye of the Storm: The Photos of Paul McCartney


The deYoung Museum in San Francisco has a great exhibit going on. It is called "Eye of the Storm." It is pictures that Paul McCarthy took from the winter of 1963 until 1964.  Besides being a super talented musician, McCartney was a talented photographer:

I have kind of broken down the photos by Beatle:

John Lennon:

John and George 

George Harrison:

Ringo and George 

Ringo Starr:

And there were pics taken by the bands entourage with Paul's camera:

My favorite picture was The Beatles with a young Muhammad Ali:

This exhibit is something that needs to be seen in person. My pictures don't do it justice. It is totally amazing to see these as it chronicles the time as The Beatles were blowing up.