Wordless Wednesday: My 3 Loves October 15, 2013October 15, 2013 - brandy3 0 Flares Filament.io Made with Flare More Info 0 Flares × My 3 Children. Gosh I just love them! LINK UP: 0 Flares Twitter 0 Tweet Facebook 0 StumbleUpon 0 Pin It Share 0 Google+ 0 Filament.io Made with Flare More Info 0 Flares ×
Great pic. Take as many as you can while they are young. They mean so much. Sophia twentyfiveseasons.com
Thanks for linking up!

By the way… I don’t think your son was enjoying the photo op!
Cute photo!
Aww! nice photo love the grins heheh!
Have a grintastic week
Great pic. Take as many as you can while they are young. They mean so much.
Fun photo. I love your boys expression.
So blessed!
Cute…I can never get a shot where all my kiddies are smiling at the same time either…LOL
Great photo! Thanks for sharing and hosting WW.
Best expression ever on your son, ha ha ha!
So sweet – close in age too. I had 3 kids in less than 3 years myself! Blessings, Amy
Beautiful shot. Your children are adorable. Thanks for hosting.
lovely photo
I can see why!