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Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Friday, August 1, 2014

Thursday, July 17, 2014

#TBT: My Junior Prom [May 17, 2014]

So what better way to reintroduce myself to you guys than to give you a little insight into probably the greatest day I had over the course of my absence: PROM!

My goodness gracious, as a beauty, fashion, party lovin' teenage girl, prom was the dream. A weekend full of spray tans and nail appointments and expensive hour long hair do's and dresses, dresses, galore? I can deal.

Our prom was on a Saturday so on that Friday after school, I went to the nail salon and got a shellac manicure (a pretty opalescent pink with black and gold on the accent nail) and a $10 spray tan that looked amazeballs. Holla @ me for still managing to find a bargain.

On Saturday morning, I got up and headed to the hair salon where the girl who has cut my hair for as long as I can remember did a BEAUTIFUL updo. She french braided the sides of my hair and then teased the crown of my head before putting al my loose hair into a ponytail, curling it, and bobby pinning all the curls into a mass of beautiful perfection. Thanks, Ali!

Saturday afternoon, my best friend came over and I did both of our makeup - I kept it simple for both of us and I must say, we looked fly and we both got some compliments - even from male teachers that were chaperoning! *Pats self on back.*

Now the fun part. My dress. Oh wow, where do I start with my dress. It was perfection; it was the first one I put on and I knew I had to have it.

It was a beautiful red dress, made out of super stretchy material (perfect for dancing and bopping around with friends, taking pictures, etc.). It had this red sparkly lace over a nude slip at the top. It was so different from anything that any one else had; AKA, everyone at my prom wore blue and lots of beads. Too cliche for my taste. And the upside? It was only $36 at Macy's!

I had the greatest time at my first prom, from getting ready to the getting unready; there's nothing like getting to spend an entire weekend with my favorite girls, and I want to say thank you to all of the people in my life who made the night happen. I'm one lucky girl.

Do you remember your first prom?
What was the highlight of the event?

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hi Again!

Wow, long time, no talk. I'd like to formally apologize for my absence on this bliggity-blog (yeah, make that a new saying) and cordially invite you all to my house for cookies and hugs. The Law & Order: SVU marathon is currently on TV. We have air conditioning. Okay, I expect all of you at my house within the hour, capische?

On a more serious note (you know, as serious as silly ol' me can get), I need to get back into the swing of things on my site. There are so many directions I want to take my blog and so many posts I have lined up to do, including advice, skincare, product reviews, style videos and more! My list of post ideas is in the works as I type. My brain is a cluster of words and pictures of entries to be.

I hope you all are excited! Let's get this blog party started!

What are some posts you would like to see on my blog?
What are your favorite types of posts to read?

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