Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wordless Wednesday: Civil War Reenactment

Please be sure to visit Full Time Mama!


Amy @ Marvelous Mommy said... 1

That's so neat! I've never been to one before! (Your linky isn't showing for me)

Unknown said... 2

I've always wanted to attend a Civil War reenactment! Great shots!

Masshole Mommy said... 3

I've always wanted to see one of these. I know they do some revolutionary war ones up in Concord. MA.

Unknown said... 4

Civil war reenactments are pretty fun. My parents have been doing them now for about 13 years. You meet a lot of interesting and wonderfully nice people doing these events. Thanks for posting these pics! :)

Mystery Case said... 5

Love the photo with the cars in between the tents.

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said... 6

I would love to be able to see this (and take my kids!) someday! What a neat experience!

stevebethere said... 7

I would love to go and see one and soak up the atmosphere

Have a tanfastic week & thanks for charging by ;-)

Angela Thompson said... 8

I love reenactments--thank you for sharing your photos!

Unknown said... 9

That is so cool. I love stuff like that. Thanks for sharing and for the linky! Miss you lady. Have a great day!

Crystal said... 10

I've always wanted to go to a reenactment. Looks so neat!

Unknown said... 11

Fantastic! Great pics! I really want to travel to the real places that these battles happened and do some ghost hunting. This looks like so much fun!

Sorta Southern Single Mom said... 12

You told me you were going to do this. It looks neat!

fancygrlnancy said... 13

This looks so interesting. I'd love to see this.

Danielle Harper said... 14

These reenactments always intrigue me.... I'd like to go to one :)

Unknown said... 15

So cool! Every time one of these comes around, we of course already had plans. I'm going to go to one of these someday!

Whitney @ Momma Knows Best said... 16

How fun! I'd love to go to one of these :)!

Laura Grace Andry said... 17

CRAZY! That looks like so much fun to be able to watch!

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.