#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – I’m In Love!



I’m beginning to see a pattern developing in my accessories…

even my nail design!

I’m in LOVE with Leopard (or even Cheetah)…

The print has taken over and I am okay with it!

Do you have any favorite prints or patterns in your fashion choices?


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22 responses to “#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – I’m In Love!”

  1. Sara Avatar

    I wish I were cool enough to wear leopard! I can't get the guts up too!
    My recent post WW: Surprise Transport of the Day…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      That’s how I felt! So I started by having it as the interior of my bags and then slowly moved outwards…You Can Do It Too! 😀

  2. Alissa Apel Avatar

    I like your nails. So fun.
    My recent post WW: Catapult Wars {linky}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! It all started with my Leopard love, a pinterest picture and a great nail artist! 😀

  3. Lauren / Hobo Mama Avatar
    Lauren / Hobo Mama

    Wow, those are some fancy nails! I'm into stripes and polka-dots currently.
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Sunset on Christmas Eve

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! I love them…my nail girl is awesome..lol 😀

  4. thechicsahm Avatar

    Not even kidding…I just had this conversation with someone the other day! Leopard is one of the best neutrals out there. It goes with everything and it takes your outfit from drab to fab instantly!!!
    My recent post Thought Bubbles…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes! It can make a casual outfit look beyond stylish in moments and just with a simple accessory! 😀

  5. Abby Avatar

    I love leopard too! I like to wear it in accessories mostly. I like your little collection! 🙂

    My recent post Bumble and Bumble Stylist Editions Kit Review

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…I feel using it as an accessory adds just the right amount without becoming overwhelming…Thank You 😀

  6. Feed Me Dearly Avatar
    Feed Me Dearly

    Leopard IS neutral, I can't get enough of it either 🙂
    My recent post January: Week 1 recap

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Isn’t it wonderful? 🙂

  7. Mystery Case Avatar
    Mystery Case

    Thanks for the email reminder, my linky is now up.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Great! I’ll stop by.. 🙂

  8. stevebethere Avatar

    What a leopardtastic collection 🙂
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday – Not Much To Say

  9. Theresa Avatar

    Cheetah print is all the range right now. My daughters were into zebra, but have moved on to cheetah for the time being!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday~ Brrrr!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      I know! I can never really tell leopard from cheetah but I love them both! 🙂

  10. Karen Avatar

    Love your collection, I really like the nails!
    My recent post A Celebration of Snowmen

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Yes, I went in with a pinterest picture and a few improvements in my head and my nail artist worked her magic 😀

  11. tbellkindred Avatar

    I like leopard patterns too! Blessings to you and yours. You are a busy woman! Teresa from Nanahood.com

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      It was a slow courtship but am definitely in love with them now…LOL Thank you…blessing to you and yours as well 🙂

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