Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wordless Wednesday: The Cats Are Here

We spent the last year without our cats. A friend took care of them, but her allergies were so bad she couldn’t keep them any more. I flew them out here the Friday before Christmas to the tune of almost $600! So crazy! We love them being here, but wow!

We sure have missed them and I can tell you, we know they’ve missed us!

Let’s just say, they don’t understand what personal space is!

Lap Cats[4]

At any given time, one of these cats, if not both, are vying for a space on one of our laps. You fall asleep on the couch, you’re fair cuddling game!Sleepy Simba[4]

Head over to Full Time Mama and see her WW post, too!


Amy said... 1

Love it! They must have missed you?! Its so nice to have loveable cats. I miss my Cat at times...

Kitties Blue said... 2

Mommy says she doesn't know what she would do without us for a year. Ofd course, no one would volunteer to take care of eight of us. And with eight of us, you can bet that a lap does not stay empty for long at our house. Purrs and hugs from the kitties at www.thecatonmyhead.com, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

~The Bargain Babe from *Zucchini Summer Blog* said... 3

It must feel good to be reunited with your kitties!

Masshole Mommy said... 4

So funny. I have a small dog and he is the exact same way :)

Unknown said... 5

I love these pics! I am so glad your cats are back 'home'... because we all know, 'Home is where your family is'. I'm sure they will start to chill out when they realize you are not going to leave them again!

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said... 6

It been so cold here, I could use a lap cat!! ;)

OrangeHeroMama said... 7

Awww. what an awesome heart-warming post! :)


Dee said... 8

Aww! These are great - so many cuddles to catch up on!

stevebethere said... 9

Aww! how cute, I miss my cat :-)

Laura Grace Andry said... 10

They look so happy to be home! Growing up the family cat used to sleep on my head like a turban.

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Woven by Words by Mimi B is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.