#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – No Snow Snow Day!

This is what happens to your Living Room

when Kiddies have a Snow Day minus the Snow!


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31 responses to “#WordlessWednesday {Headstart Tuesday} – No Snow Snow Day!”

  1. Jessica Avatar

    I can so relate to that! I share your pain 🙂

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LMBO…we are on day 5 … H…E…L…P! LOL 🙂

  2. Cathy Kennedy Avatar
    Cathy Kennedy

    We had one of those here yesterday, but no kids at home anymore – just DH & me! lol Actually, even when then kids were at home our snow days were different from other parents because we homeschooled, so a snow day was like any other day for us. Sometimes I would give it off to them, especially if it was really good snowy day for them to enjoy. But, gosh, if it wasn't just too cold yesterday for anyone to like being outside for long and this morning is no different! Happy WW a day late! 😉
    My recent post First Baptist Church Downtown Knoxville

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Whelp we are into our 3rd snow day and haven\’t been out…let\’s just say cabin fever is setting in.. LOL 😀

  3. Gracielle from http://www.mommya-z.com Avatar
    Gracielle from http://www.mommya-z.com

    Yup, that pretty much sums up our play room, except there are a few princesses and dolls up in that mix!
    My recent post Arielle 4.5: Pre-K Update

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Haha! That was only Buddie’s side…I couldn’t bring myself to post my Girlies’ area… LOL

  4. Bel Avatar

    Hi there! Now following after finding you via Social Scatter. Would love if you would follow back!
    Bel http://journeysaremydiary.blogspot.co.uk/ http://www.bloglovin.com/blog/4668237/journeys-ar
    My recent post Week 4 – Monday Round-up (this time late!)

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Hi! Thanks for coming by..headed over to visit your place now 🙂

  5. Azia Anderson Avatar
    Azia Anderson

    Love your blog! It's so fab ♥ Mind following me via GFC and bloglovin' (p.s. i followed you!) thank youu!
    i voted for you!
    My recent post Social Media Huh?

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Thanks! Headed over to visit you now 🙂

  6. Jordana Avatar

    Wow! I hope they at least helped with the clean up!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday: Ready for School {Linky}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh Yes! Momma don\’t play that… LOL

  7. peaofsweetness Avatar

    That looks like our living room every day before clean up time! haha

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Yes…thank goodness for clean up time 😀

  8. Alissa Apel Avatar

    I fully understand. I hate that they don't have recess to burn off energy.
    My recent post WW: Demolition {Linky}

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…well we have another \’snow\’ day tomorrow so video games, puzzles and books… that\’s what my day looks like 🙂

  9. Mrs.AOK Avatar

    Cute 🙂
    We had early out today and tomorrow we have a SNOW day… No snow yet…

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Exactly! Not one flurry…they called this morning and canceled tomorrow here too! LMBO Only here… 😉

  10. Dana Avatar

    Ah, I remember those days! We had plenty of snow days last week; I'm praying we make it through this week with five days of school!
    My recent post Hide the mess, company’s coming!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Good Luck! We are headed for our 2nd snow day tomorrow 🙂

  11. stevebethere Avatar

    Oh dear looks like snow day with no snow can be a minus LOL
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday – The Sting

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Definitely. Just a bunch of Kiddies with no where to go… 😀

  12. Diana Avatar

    My kids actually broke a spring on my sofa from jumping on it. Time to go shopping!
    My recent post The Coolest Table Ever

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Oh No! Yup that definitely sounds like a legit reason for a shopping day… LOL

      1. Diana Avatar

        Right? I thought so, too.

  13. Southern Angel Avatar
    Southern Angel

    yeah so we have had 12 snow days, the last 2 simply because the temps are so cold, as in below zero. Don't even ask what my place looks like.. just don't.

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      LOL…we had all delays until today. I can imagine..my Kiddies think it is some sort of free for all! 😀

  14. @MyChaos Avatar

    Yep! Cannot wait for more outdoor play – c'mon Spring!

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      Please come soon! LOL I think they et a goal to take out every toy possible! 🙂

  15. upliftingfam Avatar

    This looks like my living room on a daily basis with a toddler around. ehehe
    My recent post The Ultimate Cheat Sheet On Ways To Enjoy Final Month Of Pregnancy

    1. MrsTee Avatar

      You don;t even wanna see the rest of it! LOL That is just the boy side… 😀

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