
I come from a long line of farmers. Both my grandfathers were farmers and so were their fathers and grandfathers. My dad farmed as well and sold farm equipment. Now my sons are following in their footsteps.


This barn is on our blueberry farm, which was once owned by one of my grandfathers. This barn is over 100 years old. We just had it repaired. Hopefully it will last another century.

boys and soybeans

Here are my farmer boys standing next to their soybeans.


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  1. I also come from farm stock – so to speak. 🙂
    one of my favourite things to find are old barns. they just remind me so much of my childhood — full of golden summer memories. and hay. lots of hay. ha.

  2. That barn looks impressive – and I love the sky in the first shot! 🙂
    Happy Wordless Wednesday!

  3. That is so cool. I just posted a little something about the farming history of Hayward. Farmers are what drives America.

    Great barn.

  4. This Kentucky girl has never had a papaya or mango. I will go buy some and try them in honor of your grandfather, although I know they won’t be as good as his! What a great comment…thank you so much!

  5. My grandad was a teacher of horticulture in Hawaii. He taught would-be farmers low-cost methods for planting and raising fruit trees. When he retired, he bought his own plot of land and put his methodologies to the test. BEST mangos and papayas on his farm.

  6. Nothing better than growing up on a farm. I still live on the family farm. Just could not leave the good life. 🙂

    “Farming…Everybody’s bread & butter”

    One of my favorite quotes.

  7. That is so amazing that this farm has been in your family for so long and that your sons will continue working on it. And if you ever have more blueberries than you know what to do with, send them my way! 😉

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