“I wish it were Summer every day” Lauren told me last week. “That way our Summer would never come to an end.”
And that, my dear girl, is exactly why Summer should come to an end. Nothing is special unless it’s sacred. A weekend isn’t indulgent unless it’s well-earned. And so, too, with this perfect string of weeks that separates Memorial Day and Labor Day. Days that bleed into each other, leading me to ask on repeat – “is today Friday?”
Rodney was traveling last week, so we did what we do on most days, which is make things up as we go. It was our last full week at the lake.
Last visit to the Ringwood Farmer’s Market (at least for a few weeks) to pick up some really big shoe-matching carrots…
Last time to make a mess of my closet and try on our bridesmaid and flower girl dresses for an upcoming wedding one…more….time…
Last time to crash our friends’ houses for frozen treats. Those red treats, dangerous….Unless you intend to look like Batman’s archenemy, in which case, perfection….
Last few hangouts on the dock with aging furry friends…
Last time to walk the patio with the intention of…
….making shoes; that’s right, that was the day when they piled Rainbow Loom bands on the ground and made some desperately-needed footwear…
…and a pair for me…
…a pair for all of us….
Last time to tell ghost stories and camp out on the bedroom floor…
Last time to take in the view of incredible storms…
At last Rodney arrived back at the lake and was able to sneak in some sinfully delicious rest…
Last time to sit in the white wine float, where you’re not only allowed to – but encouraged to – drink wine from the built-in ice bucket. A perfect venue for watching over the kids as they learn semi-challenging watersports. No, it’s not the optimal arrangement with the potential need for quick reactions, but we make it work.
We built our last fire of the Summer…
Roasted our last marshmallows…
And woke up to one of our last Gorillas in the Mist-ish views…
We took our last family boat trip…
…and let our driver have his last hand at the wheel…
Last of all, we took our hound for his last Summer spin on the board…
….and received our last “Get me off of this” face…
At least one of us is pleased that our Summer activities are winding down for the year.
Next week we move back to the city. New routines await, hectic days, crisp Fall air, wintry nights, Spring’s bright blossoms, and before we know it, we’ll be transported back. To the place where our Summer does feel endless, where Tuesday is Friday and the stress of everyday life melts like a sliver of ice.
I can hardly wait….
Wonderful perspective on summer – enjoy the rest of it!
Aww! I liked your fun summer photos the kids looked like they were enjoying it all, the dog pose is a classic LOL
I just love the way the carrot blends in with your little girls shoes heheh!
Have a vegtastic week
Fun photos! I liked the first one with your daughter eating that huge carrot, the rainbow looms on the feet and your dog on the surfboard – and all the smiling faces.
What a beautiful life you have =) #ww
Hari Om
Parting days are often the sweetest… Some amazing shots here. Happy resettlement! YAM xx
Great shots – as always! Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2014/08/drip-drip-with-linky.html
You always have such beautiful pictures!!
Looks like such fun.
It must be really nice to be away from the city to enjoy the summer. Great pictures.
Wonderful set of photos. I love the footwear. I didn’t know you could do this with the bands.
My summer isn’t quite like that, but I love seeing your photos and the fun you all have. Thanks for sharing it with me!
I’m guessing that your summer is full of back pain and blisters
But at least we all get to benefit from those glorious vegetables…
Great family photos, everyone was having such a good time. Love the dog on the surf board
Beautifully written. Really captures the bliss of summer and the sorrow of its inevitable departure. Great photos!
Thanks and see you soon! xox
It’s such a joy to spend time with the family. Love the photos!
Lovely set of pictures, it sure looks as if you all had a great time.
LOOOOOVE this post, and glorious summer, and your beautiful photos!!
Thanks so much Tabitha
A perfect capture of an awesome summer!
Gorgeous photos.
So cute! Love the looms!
I always get sad to see summer go. This year has been a rather wet & chilly one, so almost seems like it never arrived. Lovely taste of summer from your family
Cute barefoot sandals! I have a couple crochet pairs I wear when belly dancing.
Ahhhh….what an awesome summer you all had. I just want to hang out with you and your family after reading your post and looking at your super fun photos.:) I would love to try out the wine float. I could excel at that! lol
Those Rainbow Loom shoes are just super cool! I want to learn how to make them now.
yeah too much of a good thing isn’t that good
love the flower girl outfit!!
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
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Why would anyone want to give up your kind of summer . . . especially the dog? Unfortunately, we’ve been back at school for a month now. I’m looking forward to a three day weekend.
Wow, I’m sorry to see you leave the lake. I’ll miss seeing your days on the lake. But it will be fun to see NYC from your point of view! Have a good trip back!
Thanks Mary– we’ll at least get to visit on weekends but it won’t be quite the same!
Ok seriously, your post made me tear up..yes, tear up. I am having a really hard time with the girls going back to school on Tuesday, meaning summer is OVER
I feel like we barely even had one!
Also, LOVE the rainbow loom ‘footwear’…will have to show that to my daughters!
Oh, I know, it’s painful to see Summer come and go; hope you have a wonderful school year…
What? No footwear for the Pooch? No Blinged out Paw shoes for the dog? LOL
Not sure if comment luv is reading my feed yet, in case it’s not, my WW is here if you wanna go to it directly: http://www.ascendingbutterfly.com/2014/08/dont-fall-into-health-rut-find-new.html
Great pix! Looks like ya’ll had a great summer!
So sad to see it end, but I agree. Can’t be a pleasure if it’s the norm. What beautiful last moments captured! Can I join you next year?
I love how your dog always rolls with it.
Looks like the last days of summer was super fun! Love the roasting marshmallows pic the most!
What gorgeous photos you shared!! I love the photo of all of your feet. What magical memories you are making.
very interesting post with nice captures….
Wow, such beautiful photos! I wanna be in your family next summer.
Beautiful farewell to the cottage! What a great summer you have had there and how big are the kids getting! Love the look on Jackson’s face – the best
sounds super fun – looks like a great getaway place
Love this post — so sweet, great fun. Memories to last a lifetime!
It went by so fast!! I loved your blog today; the last of everything pics. Looks like you all had a great summer. I did too!