Return to Ft Smallwood, Maryland
I know, I missed March and April. Things have been nuts Around Anchorage. I'm in process of buying a house. The first one fell through. We won't go into why, but I would of thought a brand new house would pass a buyers inspection. Anyways, we're on to the third attempt. Work also has been nuts. Business is good, new products coming on board, and new responsibilities.
The latest is that my Mom passed away. She lived a good full life of 92 years. On the bright side, she's with my Dad now. So, it took me on a trip back to Maryland. After the funeral and such, I found a little get away time and went to Ft Smallwood State Park. I like doing photography here and just walking around.
There's a reason it gets good reviews on Google. The staff and volunteers do good work of keeping the place up. $6 entry unless your a veteran and it's free. Ain't that cool.

I went at sunup right at opening and there were already people there fishing. It was still quiet and all you could hear was the crashing of the waves and some Canada geese. There were Great Blue Heron and some Turkey Vultures, but couldn't get close enough for a clear shot.
So I had to settle for the peaceful sunrise. I almost got hypnotized by the waves.
This is a pretty tree with a lovely background. The orange fence is to keep you away from the wall that's eroding away.
This Guy (I guess it was a guy) didn't move the whole time I was there. He was dressed like he was from, well where I'm from. I was walking around in jeans and a T shirt.
There were several people getting their gear and kayaks ready to go fishing. This guy was first out. He was set up pretty good.
But this kid had a radio playing some good jazz, so I liked his setup better.
The only bird that would let me get close enough for a photo. Since I traveled 3300 + miles and it wasn't a vacation, the biggest lens was my EF70-200 f/4. But it was a good day and a brief get away. I'll be back another day, but hopefully on a better note.
To see my album, click here.

Hope things work out with the new house you are buying. And, love seeing these photos. Quite beautiful, especially that sunrise.
I'm so sorry for your loss. May God bring you and your family comfort.
Thanks for sharing at