miercuri, 20 mai 2015

Timeless (10) ..."After midnight."/..."Dupa miezul nopței." A night in may. La muzee.

...."dupa miezul noptei." (..."after midnight.")  "- Unde te duci, diseara?" ("-Where you go tonight?" "- Nu Stiu." ("Don't know.") "- Merg si eu." ("I go, too") (Publicat in Furnica nr 41 din 1905/ Published in "Furnica" nr. 41 from 1905).
Timeless (10) ..."After midnight."/..."Dupa miezul noptei." ( Noaptea muzeelor/  Nuit européenne des musées * | European Night of Museums | 16 Mai 2015)

...."dupa miezul nopței." (..."After midnight.") 
"- Unde te duci, diseara?" ("-Where you go tonight?"
"- Nu Stiu." ("Don't know.")
"- Merg si eu." ("I go, too")

(Publicat in Furnica nr 41 din 1905/ Published in "Furnica" nr. 41 from 1905). 
Noaptea muzeelor/  Nuit européenne des musées * | European Night of Museums | 16 Mai 2015; 
Night of museums on may, 16, 2015/ 16 mai 2015.
"Noaptea Europeană a Muzeelor este un eveniment internațional iniţiat de Ministerul Culturii şi Comunicării din Franţa aflat în acest an la cea de-a unsprezecea ediţie. Consiliul Europei, UNESCO și Consiliul Internațional al Muzeelor sunt principalii susținători ai Nopții Europeane a Muzeelor, pandantul nocturn al Zilei Internaţionale a Muzeelor, care are loc întotdeauna pe 18 mai. Mai multe detalii despre Noaptea Europeană a Muzeelor puteţi găsi la adresa:http://culturecommunication.gouv.fr/

  •  "Pour sa 11ème édition, la Nuit européenne des musées propose cette année l’ouverture gratuite de plus de 1300 musées en France, et près de 3400 en Europe."
http://www.arcen.info/noapte-alba-la-pensionatul-domnesc-de-fete/  http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Școala_Centrală_%28București%29 "Școala Centrală este o instituție de învățământ preuniversitar din București care a funcționat de-a lungul vremii sub mai multe denumiri (între care și Pensionatul Domnesc de Fete). Inițial, Școala Centrală a fost instituția dedicată educației fetelor aparținând elitei bucureștene. A fost construită printr-o rezoluție a lui Barbu Știrbey în 1851, arhitectura clădirii fiind realizată de Ion Mincu."
  • "For its 11th edition, the European Night of Museums this year offers free admission to more than 1,300 museums in France and almost 3,400 in Europe."
  •  "Pentru cea de-a 11a ediție , Noaptea Europeană a Muzeelor din acest an oferă acces gratuit la mai mult de 1300 de muzee din Franța și aproape 3.400 în Europa."

  • "De nouveau, en 2015, avec « la classe, l’œuvre! », écoles, établissements scolaires et musées se rapprochent autour d’œuvres sélectionnées."
  • "Din nou, în 2015, cu deviza "Munca din clasă! "Școlile și muzeele se apropie/se strang în jurul unei lucrări selectate."
Noaptea muzeelor "Protest Ediția din anul 2015 va fi una cu totul specială pentru că va fi marcată de un protest pe care Rețeaua Națională a Muzeelor din România l-a propus tuturor muzeelor din țară, membre sau încă neafiliate la organizație. Nu este însă un protest obișnuit, ci unul subtil și inedit, consecință a unui fenomen dramatic care a dinamitat comunitatea muzeală și patrimoniul său cultural. Despre ce este vorba? În ultimii 10 ani, peste 120 de sedii unde funcționează muzee de tot felul și zeci de mii de piese din colecțiile mai multor astfel de muzee sunt gata retrocedate sau aflate în curs de retrocedare. Pentru toate acestea nu sunt identificate încă soluții alternative de funcționare, situație unică în Europa și poate chiar în lume. Muzeele nu mai înseamnă nimic pentru că ele nu au fost considerate niciodată cu adevărat importante, utile societății, vectori de dezvoltare comunitară, o investiție sigură. Dar ele pot fi toate acestea dacă sunt ajutate." http://www.noapteamuzeelor.ro/
Arhiva foto privată/ Private photos archive.
Click to see enlarged views.
From the Spring of  May, 2015. Springtime aspects. 
Series of photo instants, up-close & collages in color and black & white. 
Visions of a Happy Springtime! 
©Alexa T&GândCălător.blogspot.com

A selection of "postcards"...if I may say so: I'll start a serie from now and I'll continue in the next posts...

..."from University Square to the Lipscani Street (a commercial historic lane or zone of the city)..."
At this special event, a "short walk" - from University Square to the Lipscani Street (a commercial historic lane or zone of the city) - is required in order to see what we can find to plan for a visit or have a quick look... 
The night is coming fast... and the visitors are already in line at BNR (National Bank of Romania), so we're going to continue on the streets of Lipscani in search for two spots: Carturesti Library and the Expo Design from the Hanul Gabroveni (the historical place is included on the list of Night of Museums)...

But first: let's see a "souvenirs boutique" or shop with lots of beautiful popular items: costumes, ceramics plates or cups, all sort of traditional popular things...

Of course, an red item seen and named "catrinte" (in the window of shop) is bought by my sister just to complete her traditional port (a folk costume) with a new element.

Now, let's go further...to the Carturesti Library. Recently open is a special place to remember, to keep in mind in order to come back as soon as possible for new books for home collection. To come back to see new published books, or to read a book, comfortably, and/or to buy them as a gift just like the one I've received it in that night as a B-day present from my sister part...
It sound lovely, right? My sister is a funny person, warm and very social, she's bringing lots of joy and confidence, just like my others sisters in their own ways... Thankful for all of them...  

The night is on the way to have more surprises at every corner... at this  cultural and historical, european event...
..."a "souvenirs boutique" or shop with lots of beautiful popular items: costumes, ceramics plates or cups, all sort of traditional popular things..."
..."to the Carturesti Library. Recently open is a special place to remember, to keep in mind in order to come back as soon as possible for new books for home collection. To come back to see new published books, or to read a book, comfortably, and/or to buy them as a gift just like the one I've received it in that night as a B-day present from my sister part..."
Today I choose Joy! Life is a unique colored balloon and a funny piece of cake!
“Hooray,… Hooray for May, If I may to say it so… Hooray… for the blue birds, For the blue skies And for the all blossoms, That now we have in our sight... And, only, into the gardener’s soul,, named Florar*, you will always can find…”

Hooray for May,
If I may to say it so…
Hooray… for the blue birds,
For the blue skies
And for the all blossoms,
That now we have in our sight...
only, into the gardener’s soul,,
named Florar*,
you will always can find…”

Lyrics inspired by an amazing poem, from a blog post dedicated, also, to "May", 
 written by Donna Donabella (click to read: "A-May-Zing Times in the Garden")... 

So: Keep going to search new meanings in your private life quest or in every travel of soul (life/existence)... 
“Hooray,… Hooray for May, If I may to say it so… Hooray… for the blue birds, For the blue skies And for the all blossoms, That now we have in our sight... And, only, into the gardener’s soul,, named Florar*, you will always can find…”
In the same time, also, try to see beautiful things while we're still in Spring.  
"Celebrating the beautiful May"... just like a sunny and bright lovely calendaristic month...
And continues... to find joy in our beautiful May!!!

"*Romanian: Etymology "Grecii numeau luna mai Thargelion. În România, luna mai, popular, se numește Florar*. Greeks called Thargelion May. In Romania, May, popular, is called the florist."
Spring is on the tide of life...
by Alexa T 

"Spring is on the tide of life,
Life of yours, life of mine,
Life is in the warm and sunny light,
When all the blooms are in sight...
Keep going...
To refresh this "new spring start",
Your restart of life, and, as well, mine...
Keep hoping to find your "lovely May",
keep hoping, as well, to always have
The chance to look at the blue infinite sky!
Keep having hope, 
...as well, 
and your inner calm,
For finding peace, 
to wish in soul and mind,
with a very lovely 
soothing heart...
To share love or a thoughtful mind,
From your part... to our part.
From our part... to your part.
Keep going... 
"Spring is on the tide of life,
Life of yours, life of mine,
Life is in the warm and sunny light,
When all the blooms are in sight......"*

*"Pearls of thoughts and hopes,
Blossoms  from your soul and heart!"
Poem dedicated to my amazing strong mother, 
on this special occasion, of my birthday in may.
All is well....Spring is on the tide of life... by Alexa T "Spring is on the tide of life, Life of yours, life of mine, Life is in the warm and sunny light, When all the blooms are in sight... Keep going... To refresh this "new spring start", Your restart of life, and, as well, mine...  Keep hoping to find your "lovely May", keep hoping, as well, to always have The chance to look at the blue infinite sky! Keep having hope,  ...as well,  and your inner calm, For finding peace,  to wish in soul and mind, with a very lovely  soothing heart... To share love or a thoughtful mind, From your part... to our part. From our part... to your part.  Keep going... "Spring is on the tide of life, Life of yours, life of mine, Life is in the warm and sunny light, When all the blooms are in sight......"*"Today I choose Joy! 
Life is a unique colored balloon and a funny piece of cake! (just like in the pictures above)"
From Did you know Category/ Știați că*:
*Etymology of May*:
"The fifth month of the Gregorian calendar, following April and preceding June."
"The month May* was named for the Greek goddess Maia, who was identified with the Roman era goddess of fertility, Bona Dea, whose festival was held in May. Conversely, the Roman poet Ovid provides a second etymology, in which he says that the month of May is named for the maiores, Latin for "elders," and that the following month (June) is named for the iuniores, or "young people" (Fasti VI.88).
May symbols:
"May's birthstone is the emerald which is emblematic of love and success.
The May birth flower is the Lily of the Valley.
The zodiac signs for the month of May are Taurus."
From Middle English, from Old English, from Old French mai, from Latin māius (“Maia's month”),
 from Maia, a Roman earth goddess, 
possibly from Proto-Indo-European *magya (“she who is great”),
 from Proto-Indo-European base *meg- (“great”)
*Romanian: Etymology
"Grecii numeau luna mai Thargelion. În România, luna mai, popular, se numește Florar*.
Greeks called Thargelion May. In Romania, May, popular, is called the florist."
floare +‎ -ar. 
Compare Italian fioraio, 
Portuguese floreiro, 
Spanish florero.

florar m (plural florari)
"one who grows or sells flowers; flower vendor; florist
(popular) May (fifth month of the Gregorian calendar)"

On May 21 is celebrated: 
The Ascension Day* and  The Feast of the Holy Great Sovereigns Constantine and Helen/ 
Sărbătoarea Sfinţilor Împăraţi Constantin şi Elena.
* Click to read for more info on: Wikipedia/Wiki

Arhiva foto privată/ Private photos archive.
Click to see enlarged views.
From the Spring of  May, 2015. Springtime aspects. 
Series of photo instants, up-close & collages in color and black & white. 
Visions of a Happy Springtime! 
©Alexa T&GândCălător.blogspot.com

"In the quiet of the night
Let our candle always burn

Let us never lose the lessons we have learned..."*

 Lessonslearnedinlife.com/ thehiyL.com by Doe Zantamata

Nb.Sursa/source of videos/info/lyrics/ From Did you know Category/ Știați că: 
*Sursa/Source: You Tube 
*More to read on Wikipedia & internet

Gladly shared with:
Wordless Wednesday
Nature Notes with Michelle
Scenic Weekends
Skywatch Friday
Mosaic Monday
Poets United

Stay positive, today, tomorrow and always! 
Rămâi pozitiv, astăzi, mâine și întotdeauna!
So, very thankful, each and every day, to be inspired...
All is well...

36 de comentarii:

  1. ce plimbare frumoasa! mi-au placut fiecare din colajele de fotografii :) colindând pe strazi, printre clowni, printre ii, carti si cd-uri, trandafiri si pitici de gradina... Un rasfat de mai! Multumim mult, Alexa draga!
    pupici, îmbratisari si gânduri bune :-* Sa ai în continuare o saptamâna minunata!

    1. Asemenea, cu drag si intotdeauna cu speranta de mai bine! A fost, intr-adevar o seara minunata, ca toata ziua, de altfel, si am avut impresia ca mai bine de atat nici ca nu se poate! Cu planificare minima, in cumpana (privind capricioasa vreme de mai), dar cu mare dorinta de a nu rata momente speciale, deosebite si, mai ales, pozitive! Fiind a treia editie de Noaptea Muzeelor la care particip, deja o astept pe urmatoarea...*-*
      Ganduri de bine cu drag (si sper sa pot sa ma alatur la rubrica filmelor, cum am zis...) :) :)
      Calde salutari de mai si o saptamana superbissima in continuare!

  2. Beautiful May flowers Alexa, looks like a fun evening to be out and about too. Thanks so much for sharing the love up-close with I Heart Macro ♥

    1. With lots of joy, always a pleasure to be part on and from your lovely place where are the most lovely up close pictures! Many thanks for I heart macro!!
      And, sure, the evening was lovely, too , especially in may, when the weather is pretty moody... But the fun and positivity, also, counts so much...
      Warm greetings with best wishes for this spring for you, Laura and the whole family!

  3. Draga Andruta,
    Dupa aproape 2 ani de cand ne citim si apreciam (reciproc, cred eu) blogurile, astazi am aflat, cu mare bucurie, ca "Alexa T" este o veche si draga cunostinta de-ale mele! :-)
    In speranta ca vei avea, la randul tau, o supriza placuta, o sa te las sa descoperi tu cine este "Vulpita Calatoare". Sper sa-ti dai seama din pozele pe care le-am incarcat pe Picassa la profilul meu g+.
    Surpriza descoperirii de astazi este cu atat mai placuta cu cat, nu cu mult timp in urma, am descoperit blogul Oanei (dupa ce am vazut-o la emisiunea Oanei Cuzino) de care mi-e drag de mor, si blogul Roxanei (pe ea am gasit-o in lista de bloguri a Oanei).
    Sa inteleg ca Roxana si-a luat catrinta? Mi-ar placea sa o vad in costum popular! :-)
    Cred ca pe 16 mai a fost ziua ta, ca te stiu "Taur". Iti urez din suflet "la multi ani si sanatate" si ma bucur sa-i vad si pe ai tai in poza!
    Imi plac pasajele fotografiate in carti, ce frumos ai deschis!
    La mine pe blog poti sa-mi scrii orice, comentariile sunt moderate.
    Te imbratisez si te pup, Andreea!

    1. Daca cineva mi-ar fi spus, nu as fi crezut... M-am uitat la privire... ma intorc in urma, vorba ta, cu ani... iti amintesti ca ti-am spus... cat imi place stilul tau, modul de relatare, de descriere, de expunere al fotografiilor!!... Poetul ar spune: "ce minune, ce intamplare"... Lumea-i mica, Ancuta!! Nu-i asa? Te-am recunoscut dupa privire...
      Ce bucurie mi-a facut "Florarul", anul acesta! Ce cadou mai frumos puteam primi? Ne-am plimbat, care va sa zica mon cher, pe ici pe 'colo, prin intermediul fotografiilor si postarilor, in toata aceasta vreme...
      Toate gandurile de bine si sper sa ne si vedem... daa, si Rox si-a luat catrinta... Si Oana e profilata cu activitatea pe beauty blogging si ii tinem pumnii la a treia editie unde este nominalizata!
      Surpriza este magnifica si abia astept sa ne revedem! suntem cum ne stii, cu tot dragul calde salutari de mai pentru tine si ai tai! Pupicei, Andra Alexa T

  4. Wonderful spring collages. I really enjoyed seeing your spring flowers.

  5. What a lovely montage...exudes happiness for sure

  6. Very nice! Thank you for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2015/05/textures.html. I hope to see you each week!

    1. Many thanks for your lovely placev at " image-in -ing" ! I'll come for sure!

  7. Oh my.. this is breath-taking .. don't know where to begin.. where to end :D completely speechless..!

    Lots of love

    1. Thank you so much for your thoughts expressed and appreciation! Lots of love, as well and thank you for your visit!

  8. Happy Birthday to you and greetings to your mother whom you honor in your poem! Thank you for directing me back here. I find your happiness at the intersection of May and hope and prayers and flowers and the inner life and company of your Mother. A lovely gift to her! And all the pictures are glorious too.

    1. Many thanks for these thoughts expressed and appreciation, as well! Thank you for the "Poets United" and the chance to read so interesting poems, too! I love this expression of your's: "happiness at the intersection of May"...
      Have a great day and week!

  9. Dear Alexa,
    I wish you a belated but very warm and heartfelt HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! It looks like wonderful evening with your beloved ones! I love these traditional blouses...I mostly wear similar white blouses and (dark) blue jeans in summer and I'm not a shoping queen but I guess I would languish if we would have such a shop here :)
    Your 'postcard' impressions are wonderful and I enjoyed all the growing greens, music, qoutes, lyrics and your own words very much :)

    "In the quiet of the night
    Let our candle always burn
    Let us never lose the lessons we have learned..."

    Enjoy the enchanting days of May, full of light!!!
    Always be blessed with joy!!!
    Katrin :)

    1. Thank you so much, Katrin, for these sensitive words.. I love to read that you like so much traditional blouses, called "ii"at plural; "ie" noun at singular"... thank you for wishes and, also, all the best to you in the new week for you! Warm greetings of May and lots of joy for you, as well!

  10. What a lovely post. There's a lot of beauty to see. So much to be joyful about if we just look around!

    1. Oh , so true, indeed! Lots of joyful about... Thank you for appreciation and thoughts expressed!

  11. You have provided us with a virtual kaleidoscope here for our enjoyment.

  12. Hi! Nice mosaic photo series. I enjoyed your photos very much. I think it took a long time to upload this post. Thank you very much for sharing.

    1. Thank you, Minoru, so much for your expressed thoughts and appreciation! It takes some time, needed for pictures and collages...indeed!
      All the best and Warm greetings of May!

  13. Happy Belayed Birthday, Alexa.. Looks like you had a fun evening out.. And your May flowers are just beautiful. I love the mosaics and images.. Beautiful poem and post. Enjoy your day!

  14. Your joy is spread throughout this post. Happy Birthday. May you always find happiness like May and flowerr Alexa.

  15. Beautiful spring photos. I love the sunny, smiling face in black and white.

  16. Hello Alexa.. This is a wonderful post with a tour and photos and a song by Queen. I love Queen from my teenage years, but this is the first time to hear this song. I love all the photos but especially your beautiful spring flowers. Have a wonderful weekend.... Michelle

  17. Oh my and a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you dear Alexa...... Michelle

  18. Hello Alexa, thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  19. Oh you have a birthday too...Happy Birthday to you and thank you for sharing my poem....your post is delightful....I love your poems and pictures.

  20. You have shared the beauty of May in your life in all these unique collages Alexa. Best wishes for your birthday.
    Thanks for linking to Mosaic Monday.

  21. Great post and amazing floral mosaics!
    Thank you for joining Floral Friday Fotos and I hope to see your next contribution soon.


Thanks for coming by my blog and for your fantastic thoughts and comments!! I appreciate your precious invested time in the reading of my posts and I'll visit you, as soon as I can, in the next available period of time. Have a positive and awesome day! Be joyful, amazing and never give up to smile! Stunning things are all over! All the best!

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