

Beginning and End

The end of the school year is upon us, which means Sam is done with Elementary school.
It's definitely bittersweet, but I'm excited about how much my boys have grown this year...
 (August 4, 2014 -- 1st day of school)

(May 21, 2015 -- last day of school)

Okay.  Okay.  This was staged the night before because neither of them can
technically wear those shoes anymore, and Sam can't fasten his shorts.  (He's
grown so much!)  And, they get out of school at Noon today, soooo we're
immediately heading to the pool.  Still, you get the idea.  Growth.

Supporting these fine linkies:
  Wordless Wednesday
Little Things Thursday
Give Me your Best Shot
The View From Right Here
Friday Photo Journal
Friday Finds
Wordless Wednesday 
Photo Friday 
My Sunday Photo


Tamar SB said... 1

Happy summer! We've four weeks to go!!

Nicki said... 2

I was enjoying the make-shift markings allowed by the door to measure how much both of them had grown - hadn't even gotten to the point that they were in the same outfits - sly one there momma. lol! Enjoy your summer and brace yourself for post-elementary.

Jill Foley said... 3

definitely some growth! Have a good summer : )

abrianna said... 4

I was impressed that they could still wear the same clothes from the beginning of the year, something my Blessing has not been able to accomplish yet. Now I know the truth :). My blessing had her last year of elementary school too so I know the feeling.

Adrienne said... 5

Little boys growing up is the subject of my post today too - sigh. Love that you had them wear the same clothes!

The Artful Diva said... 6

holy moly - they did grow a lot this year!

NCSue said... 7

Wow - they're shooting up!
Thanks for sharing at

Anonymous said... 8

They certainly grow up too fast! I hope you keep taking these photos each year.

Anonymous said... 9

Your boys are cute (our secret)! This reminds me of the year that my son - then in middle school - changed size 3 times!
They started school very early in Aug.! In California that would have caused an uproar:)

Pierced Wonderings said... 10

Yay for the end of the school year! I'm so very excited about it myself - one (maybe three...apparently they forgot to change my contract when I changed positions) more day and then I'm free until the end of July.

What a great idea to have the boys wear the same outfits. I've seen lots of end of school photos but none that have replicated the first day of school photo.

Thank you joining us at Photo Friday again this week!

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 11

My youngest 3 finish this year too, end of an era!

Sarah Bailey said... 12

Amazing to see how much they have grown over the school year.

Angela Milnes said... 13

Wow they have grown! What a fab idea! I may have to do something like this!

Angela x

Angela's Sunday Photo

Anonymous said... 14

They grow up so quickly, hope you have a great day

Thank you for linking up

Kim Carberry said... 15

Oh wow! They have grown so much! Have a wonderful summer x

Anonymous said... 16

Lovely concept for a photo =)

Kim Cunningham said... 17

I love seeing the before and afters! They have indeed grown. Hope you are having fun at Disney!

cedarmerefarm said... 18

Yes, kids grow too fast! My youngest is already 14! Time flies. Enjoy your time with your boys.

Unknown said... 19

WOW what a difference a year can make!! They got really tall!!
We still have one month of school. :(