Wordless Wednesday: A Self-Portrait by Snubnose

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Loving this self-portrait that Snubnose has done
Loving this self-portrait that Snubnose has done

True, it does not exactly resemble Snubnose, but I love the colors she has used, especially the blue of the background that makes the whole artwork pop.

I especially like to see the maturity in her work when I compare it to an older self-portrait here.

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    1. says: Nishita

      Thanks @bermudaonion_kathy:disqus unfortunately it got badly damaged when the kids got into a tussle over it, and so no framing for this one :(.
      Thankfully, I at least took a photo.

    1. says: Nishita

      @roth0003:disqus I can’t draw for nuts either, I merely appreciate Snubnose’s efforts 🙂