
I Like

LeeAnna has asked What was growing up in your hometown like? I find these sorts of questions rather difficult.  I am not one to spend time looking back at my past.  I know what happened, I have dealt with most of the unpleasantness and therefore don't find it all that interesting.  The future is full of possibilities and I would rather time travel to the future.   But here is a brief history.  I grew up with a park across the street from our house and loved going there.  There were the typical swings and monkey bars.  There was also a creek that ran through it and a small forested area.  I loved finding raspberries there.  There was also a pool where I took swimming lessons in the summer.  I loved that the library parked a bookmobile there every three weeks.  Back then there was only the main branch of the library downtown.  Interesting but not surprising that books and nature are my favourite memories. I love having girlf...

Work in Progress Wednesday

 This is another portion of the scroll that I have been working on.  I put this scroll together in one long length.  I think I prefer to work on sections and then sew them all together into one long length.  It is good to try it both ways.   I got my sewing machine back yesterday.  It has been gone for almost five weeks!  At least the cleaning and repairs weren't expensive.  I am keen to get back to work on my upcycle challenge.

Mandala Monday

 I could sit around cutting out paper all day long.  It was fun for me to cut out these tiny butterflies and add them to this mandala.  I love butterflies, really who doesn't.  They are such a beautiful example of transformation.  Butterflies show up in my art journals all the time.  They are flying flowers of possibility!

Slow Stitching Sunday

I am stitching another scroll.  They are the perfect slow-stitching project for me.  For this one I am trying to use mainly the plain old running stitch.  I like the way it looks on this.  I mainly used scraps of old linens and they feel so good.  They are time-worn and soft.  I have added some yoyos that I bought from a thrift store as their colours are just right.  I started using some buttons as well.  I want to add more buttons but need to be mindful that they don't add too much weight.   These soft muted colours are not my typical choice but I do love them.  I love working with brights but sometimes need to shake it up a bit. I am linking to  

I Like

LeeAnna  has asked What was it like being the oldest/youngest/middle/only child of the family? Families are complicated.  Being the youngest by a wide margin had its good and bad aspects.  My family taught me to be independent, not always a good thing but I do feel like a capable human being and that is something.  I like to spend time with my siblings.  We are rather spread out so that doesn't happen very often.   I organize a family gathering every Labour Day.  Everyone is welcome but is usually just the Ontario family attends.  Maybe someday the ones in Alberta will be able to join us.  Everyone is welcome and I like seeing all that can come.  I am grateful that so many make the effort and do the long drives. I like that my granddaughter has started taking dance classes!  Look how cute she looks in her tutu! I like being the grandmother to girls after raising three sons!  So fun! I like that our renovation has made subs...

Work in Progress Wednesday

 Progress is progress even if it is small.  I have added some large crystal beads to this piece.  That was the right next step.  What comes next?  I am thinking about some lovely white sparkly thread that I have.  I think it would look good on this.  Sparkles always look good to me!

Mandala Monday

  I am having so much fun with these stitched mandalas.  The watercolour base works perfectly.  It is strong enough and doesn't buckle.  I find the hole-pricking patterns on Pinterest.  It is fun to come up with my own stitching patterns to use the holes.  The outer ring was the pattern suggested.  I added the inner shape to make it more interesting.