

Sunshiny Smiles
 Supporting these fine linkies:
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My Sunday Photo


Tamar SB said... 1

That is a soggy summer smile! Enjoy the days as summer winds down (-:

Snap said... 2

I think someone is really enjoying the swim! Cute!

abrianna said... 3

Yup-nothing like water and kids!

21 Wits said... 4

Summer fun is a blast!

eileeninmd said... 5

Cute smile, great summer time shot! Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Anonymous said... 6

Great image of summer fun!

NCSue said... 7

Cute photo!
Thank you for sharing at

elizabeth said... 8

What a sweet, happy face!

Rhonda Albom said... 9

That is one happy kid.

Anonymous said... 10

A great take of a child who enjoys a pool.

Unknown said... 11

A classic summer capture!

Kristi Maloney said... 12

Great photo of your son! Looks like he is enjoying his summer!

Sharon said... 13

Pure joy! Yay for summer and swimming!

barbara said... 14

What a smile!! :)

StarTraci said... 15

Love that smile!

A Bit of the Blarney said... 16

A captivating smile!!! He's obviously having a wonderful time!! You have a grand day!

aspiritofsimplicity said... 17

Oh boy that is a sunshiney smile!! Full of summertime fun and cuteness!

Kim Cunningham said... 18

His smile reminds me of my Jasper's. They would be two peas in a pod. Hope these last few days of summer are everything you need them to be!

Ruth said... 19

Great smile! I feel like getting close to the water now (it has been hot lately).

Pierced Wonderings said... 20

LOL what an incredibly sweet smile! He looks like he is having a blast!

Thank you for joining us for Photo Friday again this week!

likeschocolate said... 21

Is there any other way to enjoy summer here in Georgia1 My goodness it has been so hot! Wish it would cool just a tiny bit or at least at night.

kidcandoodle said... 22

SUMMER! that's definitely what that face/photo says. :)

Bek Dillydrops said... 23

This made me smile as soon as I saw this photo. Very summery. Happy, happy, happy picture. Lovely.

Neesie said... 24

A great fun summery photo ;D

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 25

Enjoying that just a little then!

Em @ snowingindoors said... 26

Now that is one happy looking chap!

Anonymous said... 27

Someone looks like they are enjoying their swim. Lovely smile.

Something Crunchy Mummy said... 28

Aw great photo and looking so happy #mysundayphoto xx

Anonymous said... 29

What a happy photo, sums up Summer perfectly

Thank you for linking up

Kim Carberry said... 30

Aww! What a happy face!! Lovely photo x

Anonymous said... 31

Aww that smile is so infectious! #mysundayphoto