

Back 2 School

Monday, August 3, 2015 - 8:27AM
Luke is already at school...and Sam will catch his bus in about 30 minutes.

2nd grade and 6th grade

2 different schools

2 different schedules

2 different emotions

Supporting these fine linkies:
Wordless Wednesday
Texture Twist
Texture Tuesday
Sweet Shot Tuesday
Communal Global
My Memory Art
  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.
Our World Tuesday 


Buckeroomama said... 1

Oh, wow --look at your boys! They've grown so much. We still have a couple of weeks to go before school starts.

Kim Cunningham said... 2

Oh wow! Can't wait to see how middle school was for Sam! That's such a big step. I can feel your Mama's heart today.

Tamar SB said... 3

So exciting (among other emotions!) - looks like your district gives the (pre)teens a nice start time for school!
Best of luck to them both!!

Pride In Photos Beauty said... 4

Oh my, it is time for school already?! Too soon....well, the boys are getting cuter than ever.

Sherrie said... 5

It seems school rolls around earlier every year. Have a great day

eileeninmd said... 6

Oh my, I remember those school bus days. My son is 22 yrs old now. The time goes by so quickly. Cute boys and images. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

Nicki said... 7

Did you all even get a summer break? I am so glad my kids got a legit break (for the most part) before our local school system went to earlier returns to school (believe Ryan's last year it was August 8th). Good luck and enjoy the craziness of it all, trust me when I say it passes too soon.

EG CameraGirl said... 8

Cute boys! Two different schedules sounds very hard, though.

21 Wits said... 9

Oh my, school already! What happened to their summer, oh my. But they look happy. We've had 6th grade moved over to middle school for a few years now, it's a new way of learning, and 9th grade has moved over to the high school that's an even bigger jump, I believe! I hope their school year goes well and keeps them smiling too!

NCSue said... 10

I hope they have a super school year!
Thanks for linking up at

NCSue said... 11

I hope they have a super school year!
Thanks for linking up at

elizabeth said... 12

Schools here start after Labor Day! It seems so sad to be in school with a month of summer left.

Anonymous said... 13

What sweet shots!

Dominique Goh said... 14

the boys have really grown a lot. Mine are already back in school since last mth.

likeschocolate said... 15

We don't go back till Thursday. We have our open house tonight. I am still scrambling to get all the supplies.

Unknown said... 16

I never realized they were that far apart in age. Best of Luck for the new school year!

abrianna said... 17

I have a 6th grader this year too. Mixed emotions for sure.

Pieni Lintu said... 18

Back to school next week here. Our boys will start 2nd and 4th grade. :)