Super Stocking Stuffer #Giveaway Ends Nov. 30 ENDED

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to the

Super Stocking Stuffer

Giveaway Hop


Special Thanks to our Hosts

The Mommy Island


The Kids Did It

I love stuffing stockings!  I love searching for just the perfect little gifts for each person, but I don’t mind receiving a stocking, either.  I love the little candies, trinkets, jewelry, bath products, and gift cards tucked inside.  Speaking of gift cards… I’m giving away a $15 Gift Card to Amazon to one lucky entrant.


Sponsor:  Trisha Dishes

Prize:  $15 Amazon Gift Card

  Amazon Gift Card 1



Don’t stop now!  There are lots more giveaways!!  Just visit the blogs below!

1. Host: The Kids Did It (US)  55. The Homespun Chics (US)  
2. Host: The Mommy Island (US)  56. Mom To Grandma (US/CAN)  
3. April Golightly (US)  57. Heartbeats~ Soul Stains (WW)  
4. The Best Basic Blogger (US)  58. Reviewz & Newz (WW)  
5. Frugal Mom Club (US)  59. Bargnhtress (US)  
6. Mummy Knows Reviews  60. Beautifully BellaFaith (US)  
7. Nanny to Mommy (US)  61. Christy's Cozy Corners (US)  
8. Mom in Training (US)  62. Wife, Mummy, Nurse (US)  
9. Deal Sharing Aunt (US)  63. Lil' Blog and More (US)  
10. 3 Partners In Shopping (US)  64. Mom At 40 (US)  
11. Airplanes and Dragonflies (US/CAN)  65. zephyr hill (US)  
12. Coupons and Lesson Plans (US)  66. MamatheFox (US)  
13. A Modern Day Fairy Tale (US)  67. On Honeysuckle Hill (US)  
14. Here We Go Again.. Ready? (US)  68. Dorky's Deals (US)  
15. Planet Weidknecht (US)  69. Java John Z's (US)  
16. still Blonde after all these YEARS (US)  70. Healthy Family Media (US)  
17. icefairy's Treasure Chest (US)  71. Day by Day in Our World (US)  
18. BusyBeingJennifer (US/CAN)  72. Momma Lew (US)  
19. Fashionably Fit Femme (US/CAN)  73. Mummy Knows Reviews (US)  
20. Rita Reviews (US)  74. Tammy's Luvs And Reviews (US)  
21. Savings in Seconds (US/CAN)  75. Comeback Momma (US/CAN)  
22. Susan Heim on Parenting (US)  76. Broken Teepee (US)  
23. Rockin' Book Reviews (WW)  77. Parenting Healthy (US)  
24. Kerrific (US)  78. Of Learning and Nesting (US)  
25. Literary Winner (US)  79. Domesticating Michelle (US)  
26. Kelly's Lucky You (US)  80. Daydreaming Deals (US)  
27. Karen's Got Mail (US)  81. The Mixing Bowl (US)  
28. The Review Wire (US)  82. Blushing Reads (US)  
29. Gator Mommy Reviews (US)  83. Live, Laugh, & Love with Lilly (US/CAN)  
30. Confessions of a Frugal Mind (US)  84. Couponwahm (US)  
31. Life of a Southern Mom (US)  85. Simmworks Family (WW)  
32. Experience A Life (US)  86. Mommy Knows What's Best (US)  
33. Me, Undefineable (WW)  87. LeahSay's Views (US)  
34. Susie's Reviews and Giveaways (US)  88. Michigan Saving and More (US)  
35. BookHounds (US)  89. Sprinkles On Top Reviews (US)  
36. BookHounds YA (US)  90. B is 4 (US)  
37. Life, Naturally (US)  91. Vi the Vi3tBabe (US)  
38. Simple Wyrdings (WW)  92. WithOurbest (WW)  
39. Taking Time for Mommy (WW)  93. My Review Love (US)  
40. Sweet Candle Melts & Bath Treats (US)  94. Doodles, doodles everywhere (WW)  
41. Practical Frugality (US)  95. Natalie Made It (WW)  
42. Mom Does Reviews (US)  96. The Anti-June Cleaver (US)  
43. Batch of Books (WW)  97. Lauren Paints | a beautiful life (US)  
44. Roberta'sWorld (US)  98. Diary of a Freebie Diva (US)  
45. Trisha Dishes (US)  99. Coupons and Freebies Mom (US)  
46. Joyful Gifts By Julie (US)  100. Hannah Fielding (WW)  
47. My Silly Little Gang (US)  101. Poppy Lawless (US)  
48. Lindsey Blogs @ SEBG (US)  102. Way 2 Good Life (US)  
49. Amundsen House of Chaos (US)  103. Literary Meanderings (WW)  
50. My Life From Home (US)  104. michael Young (US)  
51. The Women Talk (US)  105. More Than A Review (US)  
52. PaulaMS' Giveawayss, Reviews, & Freebies, Reviews, & Freebies (US)  106. Michigan Saving and More (US)  
53. This West Coast Mommy (US/CAN)  107. Blessed Mama's Blurbs (US)  
54. Housewife on a Mission (WW)  

(Linkup closed)

About Trisha

Trisha Kilpatrick is a homeschooling mother of three. She has a degree in Education with a double major in Elementary and Special Education, but she is more proud of her countless hours of volunteer work in Children's Church. She believes that all children can learn and that, in life, simple is almost always best. *Affiliate links are used on this site. I may be compensated when you click on or buy from these links. If you have any questions, you can contact me at .

75 comments on “Super Stocking Stuffer #Giveaway Ends Nov. 30 ENDED

  1. I don’t get anything in my stocking now that i’m an adult but when I was little I used to love getting new coloring books and all the candy my parents used to stuff it with!

  2. I’m not sure. We don’t do gifts in the stockings. We just do candy in stockings. If I could choose it would probably be a piece of jewelry. Thank you!

  3. I love to find chocolate. That always makes me very happy. If caramel is involved I am even more excited 🙂 Please feel free to share this information with Santa.

  4. All about stocking stuffers! What is your favorite present to find stuffed in your stocking?

    mostly candy or socks and ties

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