

One man's trash...

It's been a busy couple weeks, so I'm very behind on photos.
This was one I snapped at the beach back in September...
Supporting these fine linkies:
Wordless Wednesday
Texture Twist
Texture Tuesday
Sweet Shot Tuesday
Communal Global
  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.
Our World Tuesday 


Tamar SB said... 1

What a find!

tinajo said... 2

Fun photo :-)

NCSue said... 3

That's a nice shot - and a perfect caption for it.
Thanks for linking up at

Anonymous said... 4

Nice shot :)

likeschocolate said... 5

My mom loves that saying! One man's trash is another man's treasure!

Anonymous said... 6

Your photo says it all! Stunning:)

Kmcblackburn said... 7

Have a coke! :)

fredamans said... 8

Nice shot, just too bad someone had to litter for you to get it.

Molly said... 9

Man blighting the landscape


Gayle said... 10

Coke, my cola of choice. Love the close-up; color, texture, nostalgia . . .

DrillerAA said... 11

I really like this image. I like the color, the contrast, the textures, and the composition. Well done. Have a blessed day.

Louisette said... 12

Wonderfull shot greeting from Belgium In Mons .
Blog Mons city:

FANCY the Red Standard Poodle said... 13

Hi Y'all!

Beautiful! shot...

Y'all come on by,
Hawk aka BrownDog

Ruth said... 14

You make your subjects look so interesting! Will like to shoot with you one day.

elizabeth said... 15

Who would have thought that some litter would make such a great photo subject.

Sunshine and Elephants said... 16

I always admire those who can make something so simple so beautiful. Love the pic.

Ida said... 17

Wow you've turned something that most people would pass by without a glance into a work of art. At first I thought this was snow but I read you took it at the beach and realize it's white sand. It's a super cool shot.
Sorry I don't come by often. - I'm recommending people add a Follow By E-Mail feature to their sidebars. For me it's the easiest way to know when someone posts something new.