

December via Instagram

I have bronchitis, so I'm reeaalllly behind...but I just couldn't delay this post any longer.
What a beautiful month December was...
Supporting these fine linkies:
  Wordless Wednesday
Little Things Thursday
Give Me your Best Shot
Friday Photo Journal
Wordless Wednesday 
Photo Friday 
My Memory Art
My Sunday Photo


abrianna said... 1

Wonderful shots. I hope you get over bronchitis soon. I have had it numerous times since moving here-so not fun.

I like the lighted glasses your son is wearing:).

eileeninmd said... 2

Hello, I am so sorry you are sick, I hope you feel better soon. Love the images from December, a fun time with the kiddies. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

NCSue said... 3

Feel better real soon! Thanks for sharing at

riitta k said... 4

Happy December! Get well soon!

Sylvia said... 5

Dina, I hope you feel better soon. Great photos! I love your Card Holder/Display, the count down calendar is super easy to use, the bright trees in the dark rooms are wonderful and good to see a stack of photo cards ready to send to family and friends. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.

Donna said... 6

Your shots so a wonderful December...hope you are feeling better soon!

and LivingFromHappiness

Tamar SB said... 7

Feel better!!!!!

Fun60 said... 8

A wonderful collection of memories. Hope you recover soon.

carol l mckenna said... 9

Wishing you a speedy recovery ~ Gorgeous collage of December photos ~ handsome little dudes and love your kitty shots!

Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... 10

Happy New Year! I enjoyed your photos. Feel better soon!

Su-sieee! Mac said... 11

That's a great way to look back at a month. Your December looked like a lot of fun. Hope you get well soon.
The View from the Top of the Ladder

Anonymous said... 12

Oh, not good Bronchitus makes you feel so tired:( Hope you'll rest (I know hard to do with kids!) - but you'll get healthy sooner! Great lovely and intimate pics of Dec.!

barbara said... 13

Beautiful December pics! Hope you feel better soon!

Mary Howell Cromer said... 14

I enjoyed every one of these shares very much! I hope that you are feeling better by my writing of this comment. Get rest and see you on your next share~

likeschocolate said... 15

Love all the photos, but the one of the leaves looking towards the house reminds me I have to get low. I need to incorporate more angles. Have a great week and stay warm.

Tom said... 16


Beth F said... 17

Nice series!

Unknown said... 18

Hi Dina,
first....please feel better soon. Bronchitis is the worse. And I just loved looking through your set of photos. It tells a beautiful story. Visiting from Kim's

Mitzi said... 19

Dina, so sorry to hear you have bronchitis. Hope you begin to feel better really soon! The photos are all just lovely!

Kim Cunningham said... 20

I hope you are on the mend. The crud has hit our home this week, though I think it has stayed above chest level. December was pretty grand and it is always fun to see the month through your eyes! You have so much fun!

Pierced Wonderings said... 21

What a great month! I'm jealous of your two trees ;) I hope that you are feeling better? Bronchitis is no fun.

Thanks for sharing with us at Photo Friday!

Sunshine and Elephants said... 22

Your December was beautiful! You captured some really nice shots! I hope you are feeling better soon! Have a great weekend! ~Lowanda

Heidi's Wanderings said... 23

I love the picture of the cat. It's adorable.

Tara Schatz said... 24

What a lovely Instagram feed. December is always so photogenic!

Susan Anderson said... 25

You do make December look beautiful with your images!


Ohmydearests said... 26

oh pure joy! a visual feast! wishing you a quick + complete recovery!

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 27

Hope you are soon on the mend, a lovely look at your December gallery.