2016-03-11 vid 19:34 Debbie at Travel with intent säger: Beautiful shot And I’d love to stay there!
2016-03-10 vid 01:47 image-in-ing: weekly photo linky säger: Quite a nice monochrome image! Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/
Beautiful chandeleres in that lobby. Great patterns too.
Thank you Abrianna!
Beautiful shot
And I’d love to stay there!
Thank u Debbie! that hotel is very nice!
I love all the light on your page.
Thank you very much Tamara!
Beautiful! Great use of light and shadow.

Thank you very much Traci!
Quite a nice monochrome image!
Thanks for sharing at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/
Thank you very much!
nice sepia hue and lovely play of light and shadows.
Thank you!
Great composition. the criss cross of light!
Happy WW!
Thank you!
Lovely photo.
Thank you!