Feathered friends enjoy seed from my bird feeders.
They flock to the feeders every day, feathered creatures crowding together to enjoy my offerings of bird seed. Cardinals, Chickadees, Titmice, Wrens, Finches, and Robins with a few Mockingbirds joining the fray.
I love watching them from my window as they hop about my bird feeder and on my lounge chairs and in the yard where I scatter cups and cups of food.
I need to get more food for the crowd of birds that visit because I ran out today. I missed them, but a few stopped by to see me. I try to get their pictures. Sometimes, I am lucky. Other days they all lift up into the air and fly away.
Crowds of mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. I love the light colored mother Cardinals the best. Their bright mates always join them and bring amazement and beauty to my backyard.
Feathered Creatures Great and Small Still Grace My Yard
Now, two years later my yard is still full of birds. Not much has changed. I believe descendants of the beautiful cardinals I saw this day long ago visit my bird feeders today.
We even had a beautiful hawk land on our back shed. He graced me with his majesty. He sought to turn my parakeets into food, but could not gain entry into our parakeet sanctuary.
[tweetthis twitter_handles=”@MaryHill16″]God is a great creator. He designed the magnificent feathered creatures in our lives. [/tweetthis]

Another beautiful feathered creature. I took this picture at a farm in our area.
This post adapted from one originally written for the Five Minute Friday community in 2014 which was then headed by mother blogger, Lisa Jo Baker. That week’s prompt: Crowd.
I rewrote portions of the post and added new pictures for the THE MARCH SOLSC! #SOL16,
I will also join several of the hops listed on my Link-up Parties page.
Beautiful birds. Love those green parakeets.
Rhonda Albom recently posted…Pasifika: A Celebration of Pacific Island Culture
Mary! I love your fun pictures and post also! Great minds think alike, amen?
Thank you and amen. 🙂 I loved your pictures too. I hope folks will visit you. http://www.ellenchauvin.com/
Mary Hill recently posted…A Beautiful Crowd of Feathered Visitors
What a fun post! We feed the birds too, and I love seeing them enjoying the party!
Michele Morin recently posted…A Gift for All Times
Great pictures! I too love watching the wildlife in my yard. One of my favorites are the humming birds!
I love hummingbirds too. When my flowers get going, I attract a few. They are hard to take pictures of though because they fly off so quick.
Mary Hill recently posted…A Beautiful Crowd of Feathered Visitors
Such a treat to see the crowd of birds there! Soon they will return here. Even the chickadees are scarce this winter. I am wondering where they all went, as they usually hang about in winter. Maybe they didn’t need our food, as the winter was so mild?
Donna Smith recently posted…Tuesday – Mewsday
Maybe, we had a short winter here too. We only had about one month of really cold weather. Now it is spring.
Mary Hill recently posted…A Beautiful Crowd of Feathered Visitors
What a surprise that you wrote about the traffic at your bird feeder when given the word “crowd.”
I like that one word prompt idea, thank you.
At my house we’d call a seed carrier a Cat Entertainer.
We just hung bird feeders, which we made at my daughter’s school, outside of her playroom window for the first time. So far the birds haven’t found them. She’s hoping for a crowd of feathered friends though!
Beautiful words and pictures!
Hi Mary,
I can relate to your joy at watching the birds congregate and crowd. They remind me of one of my favorite scritpures in Matthew 10. He knows when a sparrow falls and he also knows the number of hairs on my head. I translate that as His eye is on the sparrow, but His heart is on me. 🙂 That makes me smile.
Thanks for the word picture of your feathered visitors. God is indeed a great and imaginative Creator to have made such a variety of beautiful birds.
Beautiful words, beautiful pictures, too. Lately, I’ve enjoyed the birds’ songs as they welcome spring.
I love this idea of writing on a word. I think I will try this with my sixth graders next week. Being. A first time slicer and blogger and I am loving all of the new ideas. Thanks so much for sharing.
I just put up a new bird feeder a week ago. It is amazing how fast the birds found it! I missed having them around. They sure are beautiful creatures! How amazing God created them with such color!
I know. Birds are not bird brained at all. I love watching them. I am blessed that so many visit my home everday. Thanks for stopping by.
It must be a pleasant sight to see your fine feathered friends gather in your backyard. I guess the “Free bird food” sign helps, and news travels fast.
I too, love to watch the beauty of God’s creations. What a wonderful way to capture a memory.
Mary lovely to visit your blog. I love you have written a bout birds. From our kitchen table we can watch the birds feed on a larger feeder just by the window. I get such peace in watching them feed. In marvelling at. Their colour and creation. Happy Friday.