Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Song-osity: On Top of the Hub

'Cause I'm on top of the world, 'ay
I'm on top of the world, 'ay...
Been dreaming of this since a child.
I'm on top of the world.

{Imagine Dragons - On Top of the World}

I was a tourist in my own city and went downtown to the Prudential Center. The 52nd floor has a 360º view of Boston.

Couldn't have picked a better day to take in the views. Barely a cloud in the sky. The city stretching on for miles.

So great to see your city from above, way above.

Really makes you feel like you're on top of the world.

And! Come link up and join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!

23 thoughts on the matter:

NCSue said... {Reply}

Great images from on high!
Thanks for sharing with us at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/03/the-fight-continues.html

Bekah said... {Reply}

Stunning views! Good work on touring your own city! I love that!

Molly said... {Reply}

What stunning views. I am not good with heights but sometimes the views are worth being brave for I think


Heather{Our Life In a Click} said... {Reply}

Awesome views and photos! It's fun to be a tourist in your own town!! You did have a great day for it!

Dara @ Not In Jersey said... {Reply}

I love views like that. And that song - Gabbie danced to it last year!

Suza said... {Reply}

great shots. Such a wonderful view.
best regards

Birgitta said... {Reply}

Great photos from the top!

Kmcblackburn said... {Reply}

"Hometown Tourist"....isn't it fun! Thanks for sharing at Song-ography.

Tom said... {Reply}

I guess you are on top of the world

csuhpat1 said... {Reply}

Wow, what super views.

Mitzi said... {Reply}

Awesome! Imagine all those people down there! Excellent shots!

Gina Kleinworth said... {Reply}

Great view!!!!!!!!! Wow!!!!

Claire Justine said... {Reply}

Stunning shot Tamar, these are beautiful :)

Buckeroomama said... {Reply}

I love playing tourist in my own city, too! Something I highly recommend everyone to do.

(Love the song choice, too!)

Jim said... {Reply}

Great shots

Anita Johnson said... {Reply}

I grew up in Chicago....I love city scrapes!

amo sin blogg said... {Reply}

Wow, very nice view !!

Thank you for visiting my blog :)

Anonymous said... {Reply}

Definitely perfect for photos!

Ida said... {Reply}

What amazing views of your city. Such a pretty day you had to take them.

Anonymous said... {Reply}

LOL, before I even saw your song I start singing it. I love Imagine Dragons. Great photos for the lyrics.

Nicki said... {Reply}

A gorgeous view and brilliant day. My husband and I have been a bit homesick for Boston (if you can call bi-annual for 4 years = home). You never really appreciate something until you no longer have it and that is how we feel about our trips to and from the Boston area to deliver or retrieve Allyson, so we're thinking a weekend get-away might remedy the urge.

Anonymous said... {Reply}

What a beautiful view!

Suburban Girl said... {Reply}

Great views!