miercuri, 16 martie 2016

Soul journeys through memories. (4) Memorial Brancusi. Viziuni pentru suflet.

Constantin Brancusi Memorial House; Arhiva foto privată/ Private photos archive. Click to see enlarged views.

At the Memorial House of Constantin Brâncuşi

Trip road to Hobiţa
September 2015.

Hobiţa Village is situated at  24 km from Târgu-Jiu,  the capital of Gorj County in the Oltenia region of Romania;  Târgu-Jiu is situated on the Southern Sub-Carpathians, on the banks of the river Jiu.

Anyway, it was a true joy that I had this chance to visit this place, a short glimpse into time, back to the roots of a genius and his unique art, worldwide renowned. 
The Sculptural Ensemble of Constantin Brâncuși at Târgu Jiu; Images on the banks of the river Jiu.
Târgu-Jiu is situated on the Southern Sub-Carpathians,
on the banks of the river Jiu.
         In this post, I've tried to realise a suite of photos presentation and collages dedicated to the Hobița Village, the place where it can be found the Constantin Brâncuși  Memorial House. The old house, itself, it is said that was inherited by his sister and no longer exist. So, actually, at Hobita it is the place, the terrain inherited by C. Brâncuși  and where the great sculptor was born.
          The house that is exhibited in Hobița: "It is a monument of the late nineteenth century and was restored in 1971, as the establishment of the museum. The museum's collection includes photographs, albums, documents, books, letters that reflect moments of the life and work of Constantin Brâncuși . It shows the original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century. "

The house that is exhibited in Hobita: "It is a monument of the late nineteenth century and was restored in 1971, as the establishment of the museum. The museum's collection includes photographs, albums, documents, books, letters that reflect moments of the life and work of Constantin Brancusi. It shows the original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century. "

Landscapes and rural views at Hobita. In this special collage, some incredible images seen through the camera lens of my sis. Many thanks for this journey and for the joy and positivity shared! This post is dedicated to you!

Landscapes and rural views seen on the road to Hobița. A region where nature was and still it is abundant in early autumn. 

Greenery found at Hobița (below in images), all sorts of vegetation, 
from trees to the leaves of vineyard, 
it can be seen in the mid september all around the memorial house.

În toamna anului trecut, am avut un timp foarte bun pentru scurte călătorii. Într-una din aceste ocazii, am văzut Hobița și Târgu Jiu. Hobița este situată la 24 km de Târgu-Jiu, capitala județului Gorj aflată în regiunea Oltenia din România. De asemenea, orașul Târgu-Jiu este situat în arealul Subcarpaților sudici, pe malurile râului Jiu.

From Did You Know Category:
From around the web/media:
Constantin Brâncuși * (Romanian: [konstanˈtin brɨŋˈkuʃʲ]; 
(February 19, 1876 – March 16, 1957) 
"was a Romanian sculptor, painter and photographer who made his career in France. Considered a pioneer of modernism, one of the most influential sculptors of the 20th-century, Brâncuși is called the patriarch of modern sculpture. As a child he displayed an aptitude for carving wooden farm tools. Formal studies took him first to Bucharest, then to Munich, then to the École des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1905 to 1907. His art emphasizes clean geometrical lines that balance forms inherent in his materials with the symbolic allusions of representational art. Brâncuși sought inspiration in non-European cultures as a source of primitive exoticism, as did Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, André Derain and others. But other influences emerge from Romanian folk art traceable through Byzantine and Dionysian traditions."
"Brâncuși grew up in the village of Hobiţa, Gorj, near Târgu Jiu, close to Romania's Carpathian Mountains, an area known for its rich tradition of folk crafts, particularly woodcarving. Geometric patterns of the region are seen in his later works."

"Constantin Brâncuşi *
(n. 19 februarie 1876, Hobiţa, Gorj — d. 16 martie 1957, Paris) 
a fost un sculptor român cu contribuţii covârşitoare la înnoirea limbajului şi viziunii plastice în sculptura contemporană. Constantin Brâncuşi a fost ales membru postum al Academiei Române. Francezii şi americanii îl desemnează, cel mai adesea, doar prin numele de familie, pe care îl scriu fără semne diacritice, Brancusi, pronunţându-l după regulile de pronunţare ale limbii franceze."

Locul lui Brâncuşi în sculptură
"Brâncuşi a eliberat sculptura de preponderenţa imitaţiei mecanice a naturii, a refuzat reprezentarea figurativă a realităţii, a preconizat exprimarea esenţei lucrurilor, a vitalităţii formei, a creat unitatea dintre sensibil şi spiritual. În opera sa el a oglindit felul de a gândi lumea al ţăranului român. Prin obârşia sa ţărănească şi-a aflat rădăcinile adânci ale operei sale în tradiţiile, miturile şi funcţia magică a artei populare româneşti. Brâncuşi a relevat lumii occidentale dimensiunea sacră a realităţii.

Figură centrală în mişcarea artistică modernă, Brâncuşi este considerat unul din cei mai mari sculptori ai secolului al XX-lea. Sculpturile sale se remarcă prin eleganţa formei şi utilizarea sensibilă a materialelor, combinând simplitatea artei populare româneşti cu rafinamentul avangardei pariziene. Verticalitatea, orizontalitatea, greutatea, densitatea cât şi importanţa acordată luminii şi spaţiului sunt trăsăturile caracteristice ale creaţiei lui Brâncuşi. Opera sa a influenţat profund conceptul modern de formă în sculptură, pictură şi desen."

Edward Steichen[Public domain],  via Wikimedia Commons (1879-1973) Brancusi's Studio,  found at Met Museum, NY
Sursa/source: Brâncuși's Paris studio, 1920,
 photograph by Edward Steichen
"Brâncuși held a large spectrum of interests, from science to music. He was a good violinist and he would sing old Romanian folk songs, often expressing by them his feelings of homesickness. After the installment of communism, he never considered moving back to his native Romania, but he did visit it eight times."

"His circle of friends included artists and intellectuals in Paris such as Amedeo Modigliani, Ezra Pound, Henri Pierre Roché, Guillaume Apollinaire, Louise Bourgeois, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray, Marcel Duchamp, Henri Rousseau, and Fernand Léger. He was an old friend of Romany Marie, who was also Romanian, and referred Isamu Noguchi to her café in Greenwich Village.Although surrounded by the Parisian avant-garde, Brâncuși never lost the contact with Romania and had friends from the community of Romanian artists and intellectuals living in Paris, including Benjamin Fondane, George Enescu, Theodor Pallady, Camil Ressu, Nicolae Dărăscu, Panait Istrati, Traian Vuia, Eugène Ionesco, Emil Cioran and Paul Celan.

Brâncuși held a particular interest in mythology, especially Romanian mythology, folk tales, and traditional art (which also had a strong influence on his works), but he became interested in African and Mediterranean art as well.
A talented handyman, he built his own phonograph, and made most of his furniture, utensils, and doorways. His worldview valued "differentiating the essential from the ephemeral," with Plato, Lao-Tzu, and Milarepa as influences. He was a saint-like idealist and near ascetic, turning his workshop into a place where visitors noted the deep spiritual atmosphere. However, particularly through the 10s and 20s, he was known as a pleasure seeker and merrymaker in his bohemian circle. He enjoyed cigarettes, good wine, and the company of women. He had one child, John Moore, whom he never acknowledged."
*Click for more info to read on Wikipedia.
"Casa memorială Constantin Brâncuşise află în localitatea sa natală, satul Hobiţa, din comuna Peştişani, judeţul Gorj. Este clasificată ca monument istoric, cu cod LMI GJ-IV-m-B-09494, sub denumirea de Casa-Muzeu "Constantin Brâncuşi"."
"Este monument de arhitectură populară de la sfârşitul secolului al XIX-lea şi a fost restaurată în 1971, la înfiinţarea muzeului. Colecţia muzeului cuprinde fotografii, albume, documente, cărţi, scrisori care reflectă momente din viaţa şi activitatea lui Constantin Brâncuşi. Este prezentat mobilier original de interior ţărănesc de la începutul secolului al XX-lea."
"It is a monument of the late nineteenth century and was restored in 1971, the establishment of the museum. The museum's collection includes photographs, albums, documents, books, letters that reflect moments of the life and work of Constantin Brancusi. It shows the original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century. "

Casa memorială este amplasată pe terenul unde s-a născut şi a copilărit sculptorul, dar nu este adevărata casă în care s-a născut Brâncuşi. Aceasta se află la circa 100 de metri mai jos de casa memorială.

La moartea lui Radu Nicolae Brâncuşi (1833-1885), tatăl sculptorului, conform dreptului cutumiar, casa ar fi trebuit să fie moştenită de fiul său cel mic, Dumitru, însă, în casă rămân soţia sa, Maria (1851-1919) şi fiica cea mică, Eufrosina (1884-1948), căsătorită cu Gheorghe Brânzan. După moartea mamei sculptorului, moştenitorii, printre care şi sculptorul, au făcut împărţirea averii părinteşti. Pentru aceasta, rudele au pus într-o căciulă bileţele cu toată averea familiei părinţilor sculptorului, Nicolae şi Maria Brâncuşi. La tragerea din căciulă, lui Constantin Brâncuşi i-a revenit terenul, unde acum se află amplasată casa memorială, iar adevărata casă în care s-a născut sculptorul i-a revenit surorii sale, Frâsina, care şi-a luat casa şi a mutat-o pe un alt teren la 100 de metri distanţă."
"Casa părintească a lui Constantin Brâncuşi, aşa cum relatează diverşi autori, nu mai există încă din anul 1919. Casa a fost moştenită de sora sculptorului, Eufrosina Brâncuşi, devenită Brânzan, care a demolat-o, utilizând ,,bârnele”, adică grinzile groase de lemn ale structurii, la noua casă pe care şi-a construit-o după căsătorie, pe alt amplasament din sat, la circa 70,00 m distanţă de curtea părintească." (...)
"Ministerul Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional a declanşat procedura de clasare de urgenţă a casei, pentru asigurarea protecţiei vestigiilor. Casa Eufrosinei a fost clasată în Lista Monumentelor Istorice din 2004, actualizată în anul 2010, cu denumirea „Casa Constantin Brâncuşi”, din satul Hobiţa, comuna Peştişani, jud. Gorj, cod: GJ-IV-m-B-09493. Prin condiţiile avizului de clasare nr. 528-E/11.12.2001, acordat de Comisia Naţională a Monumentelor Istorice şi prin adresele sale ulterioare, Ministerul Culturii şi Patrimoniului Naţional a solicitat Prefecturii Judeţului Gorj şi instituţiilor abilitate ale administraţiei publice locale - Consiliul Judeţean Gorj şi Consiliul Local Peştişani - luarea măsurilor necesare pentru conservarea, restaurarea şi punerea în valoare a casei."
*Click for more info to read on Wikipedia.

The museum's collection includes photographs, albums, documents, books, letters that reflect moments of the life and work of Constantin Brancusi. It shows the original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century. "

The museum's collection includes photographs, albums, documents, books, letters that reflect moments of the life and work of Constantin Brancusi. It shows the original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century. "

The museum's collection includes photographs, albums, documents, books, letters that reflect moments of the life and work of Constantin Brancusi. It shows the original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century. "

Popular costumes. "Original interior and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century."

Arhiva foto privată/ Private photos archive.
Click to see enlarged views.

Series of photo instants, 
up-close & collages in color and/or black & white. 
Visions. From Hobita, Gorj 2015,  September, autumn.
Many thanks for this journey and for the joy and positivity shared! 
This post is dedicated to my sis!


Sursa/Source: you tube; CENTRE GEORGES POMPIDOU
"Imagini inedite cu Brancusi, din timpul constructiei "Coloanei Infinitului". 
Clipul are o durata de 59 de minute si apartine Centrului National de Arta si Cultura - George Pompidou."
Source: Georges Pompidou Center.
"Exclusive pictures of Brancusi, "Endless Column" during construction.
The video lasts 59 minutes and it is owned by the

National Centre for Art and Culture - George Pompidou."
Sursa/Source of videos above: Internet/ You tube.
Sursa/Source of  info Wikipedia;  public media.

Gladly shared with:
Miercurea fără cuvinte alături de Carmen

Be joyful, amazing and never give up to smile! 
Stunning things are all over! 

Stay positive, today, tomorrow and always! 

Rămâi pozitiv, astăzi, mâine și întotdeauna!
So, very thankful, each and every day, to be inspired...
All is well...

53 de comentarii:

  1. Toata stima pentru aceasta densa postare despre maestrul Brancusi!
    O sa mai trec pe la tine, sa ma mai desfat un pic. Sunt atat de frumoase imaginile! Cred ca foarte putini artisti au reusit sa surprinda esenta formelor si ideilor, asa ca el.
    Inca o data: multumesc!

    O zi excelenta sa ai!

    1. Ma bucura gandul tau, Suzana! Imi pare rau ca nu am mai multe cadre. Este prima data cand am poposit la Hobita si sper sa ma reintorc. Am aflat detalii interesante, odata, ce m-am reintors acasa si am rasfoit virtual e-media, cautand date si aspecte despre asezare si casa memoriala. Trag nadejde ca se vor mai face si alte investitii, pentru ca marele nostru artist sa fie cat mai bine cunoscut. Ai dreptate, "putini artisti au reusit sa surprinda esenta formelor si ideilor, ca el". Un geniu, un vizionar. Cat despre postul meu, cred ca nu prezinta decat parte din ceea ce am reusit a capta prin lentila camerei. A fost un drum inspirat ales. Si probabil, o sa ma reintorc, si la Hobita, si la Targu Jiu...poate chiar in alt anotimp ca vizualizarea acestor locuri sa fie completa!!
      Pana atunci cu drag si multumiri, inca o data! un weekend insorit la inceput de primavara iti doresc!

  2. Hello, the memorial house and Hobita village look interesting. It is nice to see these places exist. Thanks for sharing your visit. Happy Skywatching, enjoy your weekend!

    1. You're right! nice to have places like these ones! They must be preserved and well maintained with so much cultural interest... Glad you've enjoyed of Hobita memorial house.
      Best regards and a good weekend to you, Eileen!

  3. Thanks Alexa for all these glimpses into the past. The architectural details and all the sights were enhanced by the wonderful music video. Thanks for sharing these treasures and please return soon.

    1. Many thanks, Tom! inspired by your thoughts and appreciation! I'll continue to discover old places, old things to be presented and shared in my future posts. Have a lovely weekend of March!

  4. What cozy interiors - and the woodwork is stunning!

  5. What lovely little cottages! The one with woven walls is very interesting!

    1. Indeed, the household presented (and that includes house with barn and warehouse/cellar - un pătul şi o pivniţă) it is from the late nineteenth century and it is said that was restored in 1971 at the establishment of the museum... with original interior elements and peasant furnishings from the early twentieth century.... I believe it is interesting recreated to suggest the atmosphere of those years in a regional household ...
      Many thanks for your thought!

  6. wow! What a place to visit and excellent collection of photos and creative presentation!

    Creative fences too ~

    Happy Weekend coming to you ~ ^_^

    1. Many thanks, Carol! So true, It is such a lovely place to visit!!
      *-*Happy weekend to you, too!

  7. beautiful old heritage village! absolutely love the old wooden gates and woodwork!

    1. Thank you for your lovely thoughts expressed! Indeed beautiful old heritage household and a lovely art in woodwork!

  8. Wow there was a lot to take in here. Such an interesting place. Very nice fences and those old wooden gates were beautiful. I enjoyed your post very much.

    1. Thank you very much! Indeed, you're right: the old wooden gates are beautiful.

  9. Hello Alexa.. Thank you so much for the lovely and so very thoughtful comments that you leave on my blog. I was so touched and I thank you so much.... I love the background that you have for your blog and I do love learning about the past. I have my Great-grandmother's diary as she lived on a farm and it seems that life was very challenging with having to grow or make everything they needed for their lives..Michelle

    1. Hello Michelle! Thank you for your lovely words! I know that you have difficult moments, now with the loss of dad; hope you'll find comfort in family and friends. As for the remembrance of the great Brancusi, this place is a joy for soul; it means so much to have a look back to old roots, to see the becoming of a great artist and to share the inspirational message captured there. like it is said in the text presentation from Wikipedia in excerpts: "His art emphasizes clean geometrical lines that balance forms inherent in his materials with the symbolic allusions of representational art. Brâncuși sought inspiration in non-European cultures as a source of primitive exoticism, as did Paul Gauguin, Pablo Picasso, André Derain and others. But other influences emerge from Romanian folk art traceable through Byzantine and Dionysian traditions".
      Always a pleasure to read your lovely thoughts expressed, being so right in saying: that " life was very challenging with having to grow or make everything they needed for their lives..."
      Brancusi as a genius excelled and his art is well renowned worldwide.
      Best regards to you!

  10. I like places like this where you can learn a bit of history and find lovely scenery all around. The monochrome shots of the house are really outstanding.

    1. So glad to read all these! I love monochrome pictures; it's like a glimpse, a sensitive shade done to suggest oldness, passing of time.
      The scenery around I think, too, that is lovely (perhaps, being subjective...) But I've truly enjoyed of what I saw...

  11. Fotografiile sunt excelent alese (si facute) pentru cineva ca mine, :) despre care nu se stie cand (sau daca) va ajunge sa vada locul de nastere al unui artist de asemenea anvergura. Multumesc!
    Iti doresc, cu drag, un minunat sfarsit de saptamana.

    1. Multumesc frumos, Diana! A fost un drum special, cine ar fi stiut...; timpul a facut sa devina o amintire pretioasa. Sper sa ma mai pot reintoarce!.. Dar cine stie... ma bucur ca pot/am putut impartasi vizual prin foto instanturi ceea ce am vazut, un pic pe repede inainte. Si poate ca e subiectiva, memoria captata de lentila foto a aparatului.
      Toate cele bune si minunate, asemenea iti doresc! un sfarsit de saptamana insorit din primavara ce soseste!

  12. Marvelous photos and enjoyed all the history. Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Very interesting post. I love the patterned wood by the door.

  14. A lovely way to learn some history and more about Brancusi's art. Thank you for taking me along on your tour! I did learn a lot.

  15. Wonderful photos! The craftsmanship in all the wooden carvings is amazing to see.

  16. What an amazing post, Alexa! So much beauty, history, craftsmanship, traditions...
    Thank you very much for sharing. Have a lovely new week!

  17. ce beau reportage me donne envie de découvrir ce musée ( pas facile) et tant de technologies ancestrales à présent oubliées
    et d'en apprendre plus aussi sur le sculpteur

    1. C'est tellement beau, Claudie... tous que ça vous avez dit sur Hobita!! Et d'apprendre plus aussi sur le sculpteur... ça aussi est tres important!
      le post est un court coup d'oeil sur le mémorial; c'est un place de celebration, de la vie et l'oeuvre d'un grand artist.
      Je vous remercie tant! Bonne semaine a vous!

  18. Hello Alexa, I just wanted to stop back and say thank you for linking up and sharing this post. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week!

  19. Wonderful shots of the place. Very different.

  20. Alexa thanks for sharing the Memorial House of Constantin Brâncuşi, and the beautiful surrounding area....you always give us such interesting info!

  21. What an interesting post, Alexa. Some really lovely greens in your photos, but I also enjoyed the beautiful old houses.
    Many thanks for participating in the Friday Greens meme. Happy Easter!

  22. Lovely!
    Thanks for taking part in the Saturday Silhouettes meme.


Thanks for coming by my blog and for your fantastic thoughts and comments!! I appreciate your precious invested time in the reading of my posts and I'll visit you, as soon as I can, in the next available period of time. Have a positive and awesome day! Be joyful, amazing and never give up to smile! Stunning things are all over! All the best!

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