Initially, I thought I might wear an LBD with the pearls and the sweater but after trying out the outfit, the dress seemed a little too short and I knew that I would have felt self-conscious wearing it. As I considered the other options in my wardrobe, I spied the skirt I had worn with my Halloween costume and had intended to wear to a December holiday party until I bought the Sequin skirt. As I looked the skirt over, I knew that I had the perfect match for my lovely floral sweater. In my first ‘outfit’ try with the skirt, I grabbed a black lace cami which kind of made the ensemble look like an LBD. It looked ok but it didn’t thrill me. Then I thought to go back to the look of the original outfit and I had the basics for this outfit.
I love the multi-directional effect of the ribbon on tulle overskirt, the midi length, and that I bought it at a thrift store for less than $5. Unlike the wedding I had attended last Fall, this more recent wedding was a late afternoon/early evening affair and in a more formal setting so, by swapping out the jogger silhouette pants for the skirt, I transformed the outfit from one for daytime to one for evening. I added a narrow black belt which helped to ‘connect’ the lace top to the skirt and add to the retro feel of the outfit.
This time around, I wore a cami in the same color as the top underneath it and it’s the lace edging of the cami that can be seen below the hem of the top. I also swapped out the several strands of pearls and instead I choose a burnished gold chain necklace with pearl beads which kept the outfit from looking too sweet as did the sandals. I debated between these and my peep-toe black pumps (which also looked good) but decided again to go with edginess to offset some of the sweet.
As for the wedding, The Husband and I know the bride. Her parents and grandparents are/were long time friends of The Husband’s (as in my husband) parents and grandparents. It was a beautiful ceremony, held in the temple that the bride’s grandparents had helped to establish over 60 years ago. The bride was gorgeous and the decor was so lovely. Most of the attendees were dressed up, wearing a range of colors, and a variety of hemlines. A nice change of pace for someone who doesn’t get many chances to be a part of this type of affair. Here are a few pics.
And last, but not least, I want to thank those of you who have posted on previous link ups and share two of my favorite looks from the ones posted this past week. The contributor on the left is Sheela at and Jodie at is on the right. Thank you, ladies, for the inspirations.
Have you been to a wedding recently? Did you bring your own flowers with you or were you hoping to catch the bouquet? Why not add a post or two to my Powers the Flower link up? Just click on the little froggy to see the links added by other contributors and to add your own.
Super pretty look! Love the cardi! Hey, I never did see that post you emailed me about. Did I miss it?! Let me know, Dear.
Don’t forget Fun Fashion Friday starts at 3PM PT today!
Dawn Lucy
Thank you. This cardi is one of my favorites. The mention of you and your blog was in the post previous to this one, 9 Ways To Survive The Heat In Winter.
Rena….Thanks so much for featuring my outfit..what a fabulous surprise!!
Funny you posted about a wedding, because I was just putting our pictures together for a spring wedding series!! I really love your look—that skirt so perfect and only $5—-score!!
Thanks for hosting!! jodie
Your welcome. I really like the multigenerational aspect of your blog. I’m looking forward to reading your take on outfits for weddings.
Thank you ever so much, Rena, for showcasing my sunny side up
out of everything I’ve worn across the past year, I can safely say this is the one look which has made me feel the most happy and carefree. To the point of hanging from a tree, apparently.
And how lovely you look in your outfit. It’s sweet without being saccharine, and very feminine sans the girly. I’m with you, I adore a good lacey skirt xoxo
Your welcome, Sheela. Your outfit was so fun and happy that I couldn’t resist not picking it.
Thanks for linking up to Top of the World Style. Nice outfit.
Love the skirt!
And those heels!
YouTube | Blog: Geekette in High Heels | Instagram
Thank you for stopping by and commenting. I’m glad you liked the outfit.
Rena, I love this outfit! I think you picked just the right shoes for the feel of the outfit and for a wedding, although the other peep toe sound cute too!
Black and white are always great choices! Looks like it was a fun evening
-Ana Luiza
Northwest Blonde
It was quite a lovely evening and such a happy occasion. Thank you for the comment.
I have been to a wedding recently: my own! I got married for the first time in October, at 45 years old. I thought I’d show that on the link-in.
Congratulations. The link up with this post is closed but I have another one active this week so I hope you’ll add your post to it. Thanks for reading and commenting.