Everyone smiles as you drift past the flowers...
{Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds - The Beatles}
What a better way to spend the first day of Spring than at the Boston Flower Show.
With snow in the forecast, an hour or so tip toeing amongst the flowers and garden displays was just what I needed after a long and hectic week!
The floral displays were so gorgoeus, and I could only dream about one day having such a stunning garden.
Here's to a lovely, colorful, and flower filled Spring time!

And! Come link up and join the Good.Random.Fun. each Monday, right here!
22 thoughts on the matter:
quite the show...thanks
You've been busy!! What a beautiful flower show!!
This looks a great show. So many pretty flowers. Beautiful pictures :)
wow - I think I would have loved that show!
Sooo pretty!!!!!!!!!!! It's actually snowing & sticking here today. Boooo. I was wearing flip flops yesterday. Go figure.
Looks amazing! I imagine sneezing the whole time though! I'm not allergic, but with so many flowers around, I might be!
What a fun show to attend. I'm a bit envious!
beautiful pictures. so lovely
so beautiful pictures, wonderful
I love flower shows! Z and I managed to go to the annual flower show last week and it was great seeing all the creative floral displays.
Thank you for sharing these lovely photos at http://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2016/03/spring-has-finally-sprung.html
Beautiful flowers
So colorful~ Great to touch base with you again Tamar. Blessings. xo Nancy
Spring is coming! I promise. I think you will see color soon! Love the rocks at the garden show.
I miss our home and garden show. I was so bummed. Yours flower show looks terrific. A nice little perk of color. We are just beginning to bud and bloom out and we got snow today. I hope it does nto kill all the color.
Lisa @ LTTL (www.lisakerner-slp.com)
Look at those vibrant colors. Fun garden fixtures too.
What a great place. You did it proud with these lovely photos.
What a beautiful collection of images! Looks like a perfect way to start spring.
Beautiful flower shots.
So beautiful! Thanks for sharing at Life is Lovely linkup!
This was so beautiful! Thank you for sharing and linking up with #lifeislovely This show looks stunning!
I found this post (belatedly) through Bekah's Saturday Six. What gorgeous pictures. I love your perspective.
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