Be The Good

Remember my cousin, Martha, who lost her battle with breast cancer last October? Her daughter’s started an educational scholarship fund in her memory and are selling these tee shirts to raise money for it. This note is from Martha’s daughters.

Be The Good

In 2010, our mom, Martha Temple Todd, received her 3rd breast cancer diagnosis. As a wife, mother of 3 girls, and 8 grandchildren she had so much to fight for. She fought with dignity, grace and great faith. She had countless rounds of chemotherapy, lost her hair numerous times and endured brain radiation. While driving with her cousin to get yet another radiation treatment she smiled and said, “You know, every day may not be good, but there is good in every day.” A portion of the funds from the sale of the shirt will to go to the Martha Temple Todd Scholarship Fund. In honor of our mom, we invite you to join us on December 4th, her birthday, in celebrating her life and legacy by wearing this shirt and being the good in the lives of those around you (#bethegood).


Be the good

For those of you who didn’t get to meet my amazing cousin Martha here is the video of the day I drove her to get her brain radiation treatment and the moment that inspired this shirt.

I’m giving away 4 of these Be The Good shirts on my Facebook page this Wednesday night at 6p.m. CST or you can purchase one here.

You can read more about Being the Good here too.

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  1. That is such a nice way to honor her Mom. Such a nice project. Goodluck and I know that this project will be a success!

  2. I’m so sorry your cousin lost the battle. I can relate; I’m a 6 month breast cancer survivor. I love the shirt.

  3. What a beautiful tee-shirt and tribute – I just entered the giveaway – I lost my Mom and I’d love to wear one in her honor!

  4. There is good and we do need to believe in it. I try to live that everyday.

    Prayers for you and her family. I remember her losing the battle, it was at the same time a good friend of my lost hers.

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