


Some of the eggs we "dyed" for Easter...
 (White plastic craft eggs and acrylic paint, plus a little glitter.)

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Tamar SB said... 1


Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said... 2

Wow! So beautiful!

Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said... 3

Very interesting eggs and creative!

Sunshine and Elephants said... 4

Near idea! I think I'm going to have to try this next year.

NCSue said... 5

Very pretty, Dina!
Thank you for sharing at

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... 6

My grandchildren love to decorate eggs this way! Yours are very pretty.

Adela said... 7

Gorgeous. And no eggs were harmed.

Mitzi said... 8

Oh my goodness, what beautiful eggs!

Cath said... 9

how lovely.....I wish I could find white plastic eggs where I live!

Unknown said... 10

These are so beautifully decorated. Wonderful #MySundayPhoto

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 11

A lovely creative Easter craft

Cathy said... 12

The look so simple and effective, lovely photo x

Anonymous said... 13

Very pretty decorated eggs.

Thank you for linking up

Anonymous said... 14

So pretty! Love the marble design! We werent able to do any craft last Easter so I am so jealous of this one =)


The Queen of Collage said... 15

very pretty #MySundayPhoto

Sharon said... 16

I especially love the image of the boys on the scooters. So typical of young guys and how much they love playing!

Sherry's Pickings said... 17

these are very pretty. good job.