

Read the Instructions

Supporting these fine linkies:
Wordless Wednesday
Communal Global
Mosaic Monday
Outdoor Wednesday
  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.
Our World Tuesday 
 My Memory Art
Through My Lens
  Wordless Wednesday
Little Things Thursday
Friday Photo Journal
Wordless Wednesday 
Photo Friday


Tamar SB said... 1

Love it, so true!

Anonymous said... 2

Ahhhh Dina, perfect advice. Perfect.

Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens (

NCSue said... 3

Pretty photo, and wonderful quote.
Thank you for sharing at

carol l mckenna said... 4

Creative photo and wise advice ~ thanks ~ ^_^

Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

Unknown said... 5

Beautiful photo, and that sounds like a great way to live - live in the moment, keeping one eye on your goals, and share what you find! : )

Lady Fi said... 6

So lovely!

Sunshine and Elephants said... 7

Simply beautiful!

elizabeth said... 8

I love that quote and the beautiful photo!

Buckeroomama said... 9

Oh, I love that quote! So true, isn't it?

Unknown said... 10

Super cool shot! Loved that quote, too - thanks so much for sharing. :)

likeschocolate said... 11

I like these rules! Have a great weekend!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said... 12

Excellent! I feel blogging is much about all of that, don't you?

abrianna said... 13

Love that red color.

Anonymous said... 14

This tells me that Summer is almost here

Thank you for linking up

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 15

Love the sunlight creeping through and the deep colours

Molly said... 16

I love those instructions


Anonymous said... 17

Amazing photo. The mood and the way you shot it! Love it! DNRC-UNXJ4D-LEHN #mysundayphoto

Cascia Talbert said... 18

I wanted to let you know that I am a huge fan of your blog and you are listed on my site as one of the best 100 family blogs. I would be honored if you could share the post with your readers and fans.

Kim Cunningham said... 19

Love this thought, Dina. How true.

Optimistic Existentialist said... 20

Perfect picture and perfect words...