Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Wordless Wednesday: June 15, 2016 (w/linky) - First Trip to an Amusement Park

Seabreeze to be exact. 

Now, I have been here before, way back when Krystal was still in Girl Scouts. However, neither the children nor the hubby had ever been. Let's just say the children (and the parents) had a blast. Now, to narrow down the number of pictures to share.

The first ride we went on was the Hot Air Balloons.

Then we made our way through Kiddie City.

Amelia was literally jumping up and down for joy.

We then ventured further into the park. The Teacups were a favorite.

He insisted on driving. I was only allowed to honk the horn.

And we couldn't pass up the carousel of course.

We wandered for a bit, and then headed out to the van for lunch. Here we are trying to spy Canada.

Now for an afternoon of trying out new rides and re-riding rides we had done before.

Yes, we took the train twice and we switched cars.

Look quick! Ducks!

Bumper cars were another favorite. At least they were when children weren't getting stuck.

Harold may have been a little upset that he couldn't go on the Wave Swinger.

Playing "Can you spot your children?"

The older girls finally decided they wanted to try the Spring. Then they wished they had tried it earlier so they could have had another go at it.

One quick snap of the girls in their individual bumper cars before the power was turned on.

Then I took the younger two back to Kiddie City while daddy took the older girls back to the Wave Swinger. Didn't need any jealousy.

By the way, you can see the Wave Swinger in the background.

Did I mention I love the zoom on this camera.

And finally, they got to go on the Log Flume.

I had debated going on it, until I remembered how steep the drop was.

Then they went again with Hannah. See her squished in between them so she doesn't fall out. They love their sister so much.

We also enjoyed the Tilt a Whirl a few times. The last time I really got nauseous, not sure why as I was okay the first two times. No pictures on that one for obvious reasons. I did manage to snap a picture for proof that I went on a roller coaster. Granted it was a child's roller coaster, but still.

Did you have a fun day children?

Yay! Yes we did!

Proof that hubby wasn't being nice to me. I knew he was behind me and quickly lifted the camera above my head and turned it backward to snap this picture.

Goodbye Seabreeze. Hopefully we can come again some day.

Looking forward to seeing your Wordless (or not so wordless) Wednesday posts this week.

Tots and Me


  1. A colourful fun-filled place and a group of very happy kids! delightful.

    My Wordless Wednesday /Linky

  2. What a fun theme park, so many fun rides. I can imagine all the photos you have!
    Hope you have a great week!

  3. Looks like a fun day out! We are going to have an air show here too and I cant wait for us to try the rides as well!

  4. It looks like you had a lot of fun. I enjoyed looking at your photos!

  5. Kiddie CIty seems like a dreamworld for a kid. I'd be all over that flume ride. I especially like the shots u got of the swings and the little boy crosslegged and the sweet girl with th braid smiling.

  6. It looks like your family had a wonderful time. It made great memories for the children.


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