

Vitamin Sea

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Ericka @ A Quiet Girl's Musings... said... 1

Where is this? It's really beautiful.

Susan Anderson said... 2

Spectacular scene!


Klara said... 3

beautiful image.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said... 4

Astonishingly beautiful!

NCSue said... 5

Amazing shot!
Thanks for sharing at

Tamar SB said... 6

Stunning and love your punny title!

Unknown said... 7

Lovely shot! : )

likeschocolate said... 8

Gorgeous! What beach is this? Have a fun week!

Jeanna said... 9

I like the blue and green tin ur photo. The cloud coming in all 3D is very cool.

Anonymous said... 10

I dont know what wouldve happen to me without the sea. If I feel sad I just go out and have a walk at the beach. Doesnt solve my problems or worries but sure does help a lot!

This one is stunning!


Sharon Wagner said... 11

So blue. so beautiful.

Ruth said... 12

Gorgeous clouds! Would love to capture a scene like that.

Su said... 13

Beautiful! Were is this place? Lovely fluffs of clouds. #MySundayPhoto

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 14

Wow, that is gorgeous, the sea looks incredible, Clio lending a helping hand for Coombe Mill

Unknown said... 15

What a stunning sea scene :)

EmmaT said... 16

That's a gorgeous photo with a the bluey green colour of the sea

Molly said... 17

What an amazing image, the colours are fabulous


Susan Anderson said... 18

Gorgeous...and a great title. A view like this would definitely cure whatever ailed me!


Spectrum Mum said... 19

Gosh I want to jump in there right now. it looks absolutely gorgeous! #photalife

betty-NZ said... 20

Wow!! Those clouds are just amazing over the wonderful blue water.