From Orsova to Dubova.
Photo Instants from archive.
In the trip from last year (along of the blue shore of the river from Orsova into Clisura Dunarii), I have just saw a tiny part, but I can say that, to me, it was a pretty significant part of the river; this part is situated at Dubova, in the Small Kazan gorge in Iron Gates Park and where it stands the highest carved statue from Europe.
It is said according to the Wikipedia that "The rock sculpture of Decebalus" is a work of a 42.9 m in height and 31.6 m in width. I looked at this monument with lots of attention and I was careful to take some photos just in order to remember that occasion.
Series of photo instants,
Soul journeys through memories. (6)
Amintiri din virtualul arhivat.
Clisura Dunării.
Viaductul Mraconia.
Chipul lui Decebal
From Orsova to Dubova. Mehedinti County.
From around the web/media*
About Danube Day*
"Danube Day is celebrated on June 29, the signing date of the Danube River Protection Convention, throughout the Danube river basin, to pay tribute to the vital role the Danube and its tributaries play in people’s lives: providing water, food, power, transport, recreation and prosperity; while drawing attention to the importance of conservation. Danube Day was first held in 2004."
In languages of the region including Romanian, Hungarian, Slovak, Turkish, German and Bulgarian, names literally meaning "Iron Gates" are used to name the entire range of gorges. These names are Romanian: Porțile de Fier (pronounced [ˈport͡sile de ˈfjer]), Hungarian: Vaskapu, Slovak: Železné vráta; Turkish: Demirkapı, German: Eisernes Tor, and Bulgarian: Железни врата (Železni vrata). An alternative Romanian name for the last part of the route is Defileul Dunării, literally "Danube Gorge".
"Defileul Dunării*, also locally known as Clisura Dunării (Serbian: Банатска Клисура, Banatska Klisura) is a geographical region in Romania. It is located in southern Banat, along the northern bank of the river Danube. Clisura Dunării is situated between river Nera in the west, and Gura Văii or Cazanele Dunării in the east.
The area includes the municipality of Orşova and the town of Moldova Nouă, as well as several communes (Socol, Pojejena, Coronini, Gârnic, Sicheviţa, Berzasca, Sviniţa, Dubova, Eşelniţa, Iloviţa, and Brezniţa-Ocol)."
"Dubova *(Hungarian and Czech: Dubova) is a commune located in Mehedinţi County, Romania. It is one of four localities in the county located in the Banat. The commune is composed of three villages: Baia Nouă, Dubova and Eibenthal."
*Source of info/video above; excerpts/info about Danube,
"Cazanele Dunării *și masivele Ciucarul Mare / Ciucarul Mic fac parte din Parcul Natural Porțile de Fier. Aproape de golful Mraconia, se poate observa, săpat in stâncă, chipul lui Decebal, statuia lui Decebal având dimensiunile 55 m - inălțime și 25 m - lățime."
"Chipul regelui dac Decebal* este un basorelief înalt de 55 m, aflat pe malul stâncos al Dunării, între localitățile Eșelnița și Dubova, în apropiere de orașul Orșova, România. Basorelieful îl reprezintă pe Decebal, ultimul rege al Daciei, și este sculptat într-o stâncă. Este cea mai înaltă sculptură în piatră din Europa. Omul de afaceri și istoricul protocronist Iosif Constantin Drăgan a fost cel care a promovat și finanțat ideea acestei lucrări efectuate în perioada 1994 - 2004."
"Chipul lui Decebal (...)
Locul realizării sculpturii este în apropiere de orașul Orșova, în zona cataractelor de la Cazanele Mici (golful Mraconia), pe malul stâng al Dunării, acolo unde adâncimea fluviului este cea mai mare: 120 de metri.
Câteva dimensiuni fizionomice ale chipului sunt:
lungimea ochilor: 4,3 metri
lungimea nasului: 7 metri
lățimea nasului: 4 metri."
„DECEBAL REX - DRAGAN FECIT” ("Regele Decebal - făcută de Drăgan")
"The rock sculpture of Decebalus* is a 42.9 m in height and 31.6 m in width carving in rock of the face of Decebalus, the last king of Dacia, who fought against the Roman emperors Domitian and Trajan to preserve the independence of his country, which corresponded to modern Romania. The sculpture was made between 1994 and 2004, on a rocky outcrop on the river Danube, at the Iron Gates, which form the border between Romania and Serbia. It is located near the city of Orșova in Romania.
It is the tallest rock sculpture in Europe.
Under the face of Decebalus there is a Latin inscription which reads "DECEBALUS REX—DRAGAN FECIT" ("King Decebalus—Made by Drăgan")."
"Manastirea Mraconia * se afla in comuna Duhova din judetul Mehedinti, la o distanta de 15 kilometri vest fata de orasul Orsova. Mai concret, aceasta se afla pe malul stang al Dunarii, care formeaza in acel loc, cel mai frumos defileu de pe tot intinsul ei, defileu intins intre Orsova si Moldova Noua.
Manastirea Mraconia a fost ridicata pe locul unui fost punct de observatie si dirijare a vaselor de pe Dunare, caci datorita arhitecturii reliefului, prin ingustimea din loc in loc a defileului nu putea avea loc trecerea simultana a doua vase. Aceste ingustari si largiri maxime ale fluviului au primit numele de "cazanele Dunarii", dupa parerea multora, locul fiind cel mai frumos loc din tara."
Manastirea Mraconia - scurt istoric
Manastirea Mraconia a cunoscut toate vitregiile istoriei, incepand de la pustiirea navalitorilor, plata peschesului, stapaniri straine si pana la a fi inghitita de apa.
Actuala manastire este ridicata pe locul fostei manastiri Mraconia, ridicata in valea cu acelasi nume. Manastirea initiala a fost ridicata in anul 1523 sub jurisdictia Episcopiei de la Varset de catre dregatorul regiunii de granita a Caransebesului si Lugojului, banul Nicola Garlisteanu. Biserica a primit hramul Sfantului Prooroc Ilie.
Construirea hidrocentralei de la Portile de Fier I realizata in anul 1967 a facut ca asezamantul sa fie demolat, ruinele sale fiind inundate de apele Dunarii. Manastirea nu a mai primit dreptul de a fi reconstruita in alt loc. Datorita soartei sale, aceasta a ajuns sa fie cunoscuta sub numele "Manastirea de sub ape, Mraconia".
Dupa anul 1989, Mitropolia Olteniei a avut initiativa reinfiintarii Manastirii Mraconia. In anul 1993 se pune piatra de temelie a noii biserici, iar in anul 1995, cu binecuvantarea P.S. Nestor Vornicescu si cu aprobarea Sfantului Sinod, se reinfiinteaza acest asezamant."**Source of info
Along Danube. From Orsova to Dubova. Mehedinti County.
From Drobeta to Iron Gates. Then to Orșova near the spot where the Cerna River meets the Danube.
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Source of map (below): Wikipedia; Public Domain,
Course of the Danube, marked in red |
![]() | Donaueschingen_Donauquelle_4386.jpg |
Dunărea este un important drum fluvial internaţional, curgând prin 10 ţări (Germania, Austria, Slovacia, Ungaria, Croaţia, Serbia, România, Bulgaria, Republica Moldova, Ucraina) şi are afluenţi din alte şapte ţări. Trece prin patru capitale de stat: Viena, Bratislava, Budapesta şi Belgrad."
"Cursul inferior se desfăşoară pe o distanţă de 1.075 km, între localităţile Baziaş şi Sulina, făcând graniţă cu Serbia (235,5 km), Bulgaria (469,5 km), Republica Moldova (0,6 km) şi Ucraina (53,9 km). Datorită faptului că traversează o multitudine de regiuni naturale, cursul inferior este împărţit în 5 sectoare (Ujvari, 1972):
Defileul carpatic (144 km)
Sectorul sud-pontic (566 km)
Sectorul pontic oriental cu bălţi (195 km)
Sectorul predobrogean (80 km)
Sectorul deltaic (90 km)
Dunărea colectează majoritatea râurilor din România cu excepţia unora din Dobrogea, transportând anual circa 60 de milioane de tone de aluviuni şi 200 de miliarde m³ de apă. De asemenea, prezintă importanţă deosebită pentru: navigaţie, hidroelectricitate, piscicultură, furnizând apă pentru industrie, agricultură, populaţie.
În Lunca Dunării se află multe aşezări printre care 18 oraşe, (Moldova Nouă, Orşova, Drobeta-Turnu Severin, Calafat, Corabia, Turnu Măgurele, Zimnicea, Giurgiu, Olteniţa, Călăraşi, Feteşti, Cernavodă, Hârşova, Brăila, Galaţi, Isaccea, Tulcea şi Sulina), fiind traversată de cinci şosele şi trei căi ferate."
Source of Info/videos, above: Internet/You Tube;
that every day is the best day in the year.
He is rich who owns the day, and no one owns the day
who allows it to be invaded with fret and anxiety.
Finish every day and be done with it.
You have done what you could.
Some blunders and absurdities, no doubt crept in.
Forget them as soon as you can, tomorrow is a new day;
begin it well and serenely, with too high a spirit
to be cumbered with your old nonsense.
This new day is too dear,
with its hopes and invitations,
to waste a moment on the yesterdays.*"
*Source Internet:
By Ralph Waldo Emerson in "Collected Poems and Translations".
Multumesc de plimbare!
RăspundețiȘtergereSalutari din Brasov!
Salutari, asemenea si multumiri pentru gandurile exprimate! un weekend placut!
ȘtergereI work close to the Danube :) wonderful pictures.
RăspundețiȘtergereSo fortunate! It must be wonderful to watch the Danube's waters every day! Many thanks for the lovely comment!
ȘtergereHi! Nice collection of beautiful photos. I think i enjoyed this tour very much. Thanks for sharing.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much for the lovely thoughts and comments!
ȘtergereAlexa, I enjoy seeing other folks travels pictures from around the world. My husband and I do a lot of day trips where I look for every opportunity to photograph. Your photo essay is very nice of a place I'll never see first hand. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereNational D-Day Memorial Part 2
Lovely thoughts expressed; indeed, it is a delight to me as well, to see other folks travels pictures from around the world; (there are lots and lots of things, places, but at a huge distance from us to reach them and to visit them all.). Many thanks for your lovely comments!
ȘtergereAlexa, I can see why there are many songs about the "Blue Danube." It's beauty is an inspiration to many song writers. Thanks for all your wonderful images. I hope to see you back soon.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much for the lovely comments and thoughts! There are, indeed, very beautiful songs for celebrating this river with its blue waters.
ȘtergereVad ca ti-ai schimbat look-ul! Imi plac culorile!
RăspundețiȘtergereCat priveste imaginile sunt deosebite. Sper sa ajung si eu pe acolo!
Noapte buna si zile frumoase in coninuare, draga Alexa!
Multumesc frumos pentru ganduri si apreciere! Dunarea este un loc special, deosebit. Sfarsit de saptamana plin de toate cele placute sufletului. Zile senine si frumoase, asemenea!
ȘtergereThank you for sharing your beautiful journey in fantastic photos!
RăspundețiȘtergereHappy day to you ~ ^_^
Thank so much, as well! A happy weekend, too!
Ștergerewow - that is really gorgeous.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so, so much!!
ȘtergereThese are lovely images - what a marvelous trip!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for sharing at
Thank you so very much!!
ȘtergereHello, what a gorgeous place to visit. Lovely scenic photos. The views of the river are just stunning. Enjoy your weekend ahead!
RăspundețiȘtergereMany, many thanks for the lovely thoughts, Eileen! Have a pleasant weekend, as well!
ȘtergereThese are some wonderful photos of a lovely part of the world!I would love to take a river cruise there!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much for the lovely thoughts expressed!
ȘtergereWhat a lovely destination!
RăspundețiȘtergereSome attractive black and white photos.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much!
ȘtergereBeautiful photos!! Thanks for taking us along on the tour.
RăspundețiȘtergerea beautiful trip :)
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you very much!
ȘtergereFantastic post Alexa and I loved all the photos. Very interesting! I am back from my blog break now. We had a family bereavement which kept me away from home for a while.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you so much for your visit and thoughts, Denise! My condolence!
ȘtergereI am back to thank you for your kind words Alexa, very much appreciated.
ȘtergereYour pictures are very beautiful Alexa... that must have been a joyful wonderful trip; definitely food for the soul.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you very much; so lovely said:"food for the soul".
ȘtergereAmazing views and bridges Alexa. Your mosaics are also stunning - I cannot make mosaics with so many photos - wrong software :)
RăspundețiȘtergereWishing you a great start to August!
Thank you kindly! sometimes, it fails my software, as well; and I have lost some of works, before to be able to save them... :)
ȘtergereA great start in August to you, too!!
I agree Alexa, your collages are always wonderful and this is such an extensive and wonderful post about the Danube...Thank you for sharing with Nature Notes.... Michelle
RăspundețiȘtergereMany, many thanks, dear Michelle! it is a surprising river. Thank you for Nature Notes, as well!
ȘtergereWhat a fascinating virtual cruise down the Danube, Alexa.
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you for joining the Travel Tuesday meme, hope to see more of your photos this week!
Thank you so much, too! Danube is a fascinating river; A very good day!
ȘtergereSpectacular scenery and beautiful photos....thanks for sharing!
RăspundețiȘtergereThank you kindly!
ȘtergereWonderful greens there...
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for taking part in the Friday Greens meme, hope to see more of your photos this week!
Lovely green landscapes, so true! I'll edit a new post, again, for the Friday Greens meme, as soon as possible! Many thanks for the shared thoughts!
RăspundețiȘtergereYou must have had a wonderful tour. Have a nice weekend ;:OD)