Back to School

Hi!  How are you?  Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?  I am off to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for an adoption reunion for children from the Xuchang Orphange.  It is going to be so much fun meeting up with other families who have children adopted from the same place and while Ivy is a little young to understand really why we are meeting up.  I hope that as we continue to meet up that these children will be able to form a bond that will last them throughout their lifetime.  Some of the kids were there at the same time and others not, but as they get older I am sure it will be nice for them to have each other.  Thankfully, it is only a 3 1/2 hour drive.  Some families are driving from much farther away.

Anyway, my children went back to school this week.  They were so excited; especially, Addy who is entering kindergarten.  She loved her first day of school and could wait to get up and go again.  My oldest is finally a senior.  I am going to miss him next year when he leaves for college, but for now I will soak up every minute I have with him.

Have a great weekend!

 Harris a Senior 12th grade
 Avery Pre-K
 Addy Kindergarten
 Roman 4th grade

Winston 9th grade


Anonymous said…
They seem to be eager to go back! that's great, Kelleyn:) and thank you much for sharing it with SEASONS! thanks for the kind birthday wish! It will be neat for the adopted kids to know each other, when growing up. BEfore you know it, they'll recognize each other's! HOpe your week goes smooth:)
Unknown said…
Amazing post, school days are always memorable days. we got so much fun during these days and kids are looking so cute.
Golden Triangle Tour 7 Days
Linda said…
Great looking kids! The reunion is a sweet idea.
Peabea Scribbles said…
Your post makes me miss my kids little. They're all grown way into adulthood now. I still though try to soak up what I can from their lives, but it is so different once they've moved on from HS. You look like it probably is a busy, happy time at your house with all the different ages. They're all so handsome and pretty. Love their smiles.
Thanks for visiting me and commenting on my GOLD post. Appreciated. Feel free to check out my Pictorial Friday link up if you do those or just stop back now and again. I'll visit again. Have a great week-end.

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