

Little Builder

We've participated in the free Lowe's Build & Grow clinics with the boys many time,
but it wasn't until June that we learned of the special summer series.
This year it was Marvel Avengers...
  Luke built one superhero every 2-3 weeks at the Saturday event.  Together they
form a circle, and each character moves, makes a sound or lights up.

Supporting these fine linkies:
Wordless Wednesday
Communal Global
Outdoor Wednesday
  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.
Our World Tuesday 
 My Memory Art
Through My Lens
  Little Things Thursday
Friday Photo Journal
Wordless Wednesday 
Photo Friday


Tamar SB said... 1

That's so cool!

simply bev said... 2

So fun! I'll have to make sure my niece knows about this program. Her boys would enjoy this!

carol l mckenna said... 3

Wow! So creative and fun ~ lovely summer adventure!

Wishing you a Happy Week ~ ^_^

NCSue said... 4

I bet he had a blast!
Thanks for sharing at

Buckeroomama said... 5

That's so awesome!

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said... 6

interesting. A makerspace in a store. Good place for one!

Here's my Wordless Wednesday!

Mersad said... 7

Thank you for linking up with "Through My Lens"

Mersad Donko Photography

Sharon said... 8

Awesome! My grandkids love the Avengers!

abrianna said... 9

That is fun.

Sunshine and Elephants said... 10

These are neat! My son did a spice rack once. I don't know where it is. I think we used it in a science project one year.

Unknown said... 11

Isn't that neat. Good for Lowes.

Jaśmin said... 12

Very nice wonderful photos.

JOhn Adams said... 13

Oh wow, my youngest daughter would love this. What a great collection #MySundayPhoto

Anonymous said... 14

How cool, my daughter would love this

Thank you for linking up

Martyn Kitney said... 15

Wow!! That's so cool! My boys would love that! #MySundayPhoto

Martyn Kitney said... 16

Wow!! That's so cool! My boys would love that! #MySundayPhoto

Martyn Kitney said... 17

Wow!! That's so cool! My boys would love that! #MySundayPhoto

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 18

Everyone loves a good superhero experience

pixiedusk said... 19

My son's current fave characters! The photos are so clear! #mysundayphoto