

Teacher's Pet

Over Christmas break, we volunteered to take care of Luke's 3rd-grade class pet, Mikell...
  He's a 5-year old rat snake that the teacher's had since he was just a couple inches long. Now,
he's right at 4 feet!  We had to feed him once during his stay, which was quite exciting.  (The
mice were frozen when we got them, so they didn't even seem "real".)

He kept us entertained for 2-weeks!

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Tamar SB said... 1

I scrolled right to commenting (: you are SO brave to do this!

Anonymous said... 2

Oh yah, you are a good momma. I think I would have found an excuse not to take care of Mikell. :-D

I bet your son was in heaven all break long.

Lisa @ Life Thru the Lens

Maria Parenti-Baldey said... 3

Snakes are not my favourite, particularly being on the farm with red-belly blacks etc., However am glad you had a nice snake to look after.

Rhonda Albom said... 4

Great photo of that snake curled up in a wooden? bowl. I used to have a snake. Feeding was always a love/hate reality.

Photo Cache said... 5

Yikes, I am scared of snakes.

Worth a Thousand Words said... 6

Our daughter had a snake, in german it's called Kornnatter. Maybey in english : Grain natter?
I don't know, but the feeding-photo i must think at her snake.

Greetings from Germany

Molly said... 7

That is definitely an unusual Christmas visitor


Light and Voices said... 8

I'm not much into snakes. I used to find their skins in Albuquerque, New Mexico when I was a kid on the mesa. Now I think back and shiver because I was in danger out there playing alone or with friends by rattlesnakes. You have a knack for shooting up-close-and-personal shots of this snake. Good job!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said... 9

Wow, lucky you! Seriously, I think it's great that your kids are growing up in a home where nobody runs screaming from a snake. And this one is beautiful.( As a mom , grandmother, and great grandmother, I've handled , fed and loved quite a variety of creepy crawlers and haven't screamed yet.). The title of your post is perfect!

carol l mckenna said... 10

Great learning experience for the children ~ great shots too ~

Wishing you a lovely week ~ ^_^

Handmade Jewelry Haven said... 11

I always tell my neighbors when they eventually find a snake around their home, to love them! They eat large bugs and rats!
I did have to fish a 4 footer out of our pool a few years back....what I wouldn't do for a film of that!! LOL.

This is my first time visiting your blog and hope you will visit mine also as I am newly back into blogging after taking a break to raise my little ones (now about the same age as yours) and would love some comments and follows too ;)
Hope to see you soon.
- Lisa

abrianna said... 12

When I was in elementary school we had a school snake. It was kept in the lobby so everyone could see it. When it was feeding time, there were rows of excited kids (myself included) crowded in front to watch it feed.I am glad it kept you entertained.

Ida said... 13

Oh goodness, that was something. - I'm not really afraid of snakes but I'm glad that the mice were dead and not alive. Don't think I could handle that.

An Aussie in San Francisco said... 14

So you had Mikell in your house over the holidays? That's so cool!

betty-NZ said... 15

I've never had much to do with snakes and, of course, there are none in New Zealand. What a fun way to get to know him!

EmmaT said... 16

I've touched and held small snakes before but I wouldn't want one in my house. You're braver than me

Coombe Mill - Fiona said... 17

Oh my I'm not sure I like watching a mouse being eaten like that but nature is nature.

Anonymous said... 18

Blimey I wouldn't been keen if my girls had to bring that home

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