Monday, November 6, 2017

My World Today

 On October 31st I was out a bit late running errands and enjoying the festive vibe.
While I was out I heard all manner of firecrackers coming from seemingly every direction.

 This impromptu fireworks display was a joy.
I tried to upload a short video without success
(I probably have to upload it to YouTube first)
So instead here is a grainy photo taken with the phone.

I think the vendors who opened for a short time just to sell firecrackers coordinated a fireworks display from 3 different directions.
The particular display closest to where I was was fantastic.

We had a small amount of snow on Saturday but it didn't stay. 
Today is a gorgeous, sunny day but rain is expected soon.

I always enjoy seeing trees all in a row.
Seeing several palm tree in a row is a particular delight.
These trees are in a small park near the Greyhound Bus and Amtrak Train Station.

Seeing all the boats at the marina on a beautiful day makes me smile.


Though I'm enjoying the beauty around me my heart is heavy with concern for a dear elderly lady in Kenya. I call her grandma. She had malaria and a bacterial infection which she overcame but while she was in hospital she contracted a cold. Being very old it is hard for her to fight it and she has been in and out of hospital and is now in ICU.
Prayers appreciated.

Hold fast to your joys dear friends and never take anything for granted.
Today I am grateful for so many things, the beauty all around me, the ability to help others and
loving family and friends.
Today I had a call from my late mom's cousin calling to enquire how I've been doing.
Simple things like this mean a lot.

If you are struggling (health, finances, relationships, other)
 I pray you will overcome your troubles and have the support you need along the way.

Joining with

 Our World Tuesday




  1. Simple things mean a lot … so true that the words were in a song that said “little” things mean a lot. We have all seen, at one time or another, little acts of kindness heal and prevent disasters.

  2. My prayers will certainly go out for your dear "grandma" friend in Kenya.
    She sounds like quite a fighter, bless her heart.
    The photos of your day out are quite lovely.
    Let us make a joyful noise into the Lord. :-)

    Bless you~

  3. Life is composed of simple moments that bring us happiness and sometimes sadness

  4. Gorgeous photography of nature and many prayers for your friend Grandma in Kenya and all ~

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  5. Loads of joy in your neighborhood but I'm so sorry to hear things are rough for your Kenyan lady. I will think good thoughts for her.

    1. Thank you Jeanie, good thoughts are most welcome!

  6. Firecrackers celebrating Halloween is a new one for me.

  7. Beautiful images! I have found you again. I have a new blog and I had lost my bookmarks. I noticed you posted a comment on another blog and wasn't sure if it was you. So happy to see your blog again and have it bookmarked.

  8. Sorry to hear about your Grandma in Kenya - I'll be praying for her.
    Your photos are pretty today!

    1. Thank you Mari. I appreciate your prayers so much. xx

  9. love the palm tree image. It is very beautiful :) And a joy.

  10. Sweet friend,
    thanks most sincerely for the lovely comment you left on ~ My little old world ~, I sincerely appreciate it, and given you have such a lovely blog, I'm the most recent follower of yours ;) !

    Wishing you a most beautiful remainder of your week

    XOXO Daniela

    1. Thank you Daniela, I appreciate your lovely comment and your follow. I also wish you a beautiful rest of your week. xx

  11. It is beautiful the way you keep in touch with your dear friends from so far have a big heart!

    1. Thank you dear Sallie. The elderly lady is incredible. She is still in hospital but out of ICU and in a private ward. Every day she walks to the windows to be near the sunshine and she prays for those that are in hospital. She is 103 years of age and she tells them "you are too young to die".

  12. Sorry trying to catch up. Love these photos. Hope 'grandma' recovers, not easy for elderly people to overcome illness like that. Diane


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