Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Foodie @ Little Red Wagon

This week at

it's Brenda's turn to choose the challenge and she's saying, "Foodie" which just means that she wants to see projects with food or drinks on them.....well, with images of food or drinks anyways. She doesn't want to see your crafting-while-snacking mishaps.

This is what I did....

As you can see, I've got two types of food on there - Christmas pudding and gingerbread men, neither of which will be touching my lips this holiday season.  Blech.  I could eat the gingerbread man if I had to, say in a case of being polite....but I might just do the one-bite-mmmm-good-hide-it-somewhere-and-dispose-of-it-later thing....but only if it was homemade gingerbread.  I never feel the need to be polite with store bought baked goods.  The Christmas pudding - uh uh.  In my early 20s I briefly worked in a factory (hated it) and one of the things I had to make was suet cakes, you know, for birds.  The suet had to be heated so it would become liquid, then mixed with birdseed, then poured into packages, which you could never do neatly so then you'd have to try to wipe the greasy fat off the outside of the packages while it was fast getting cold (because there was very little heat in the part of the factory where you did this) and turning back into a slimy, sludgy mess.  And you smelled like beef fat for DAYS no matter how many times you showered.  Now, I know you can probably make Christmas pudding without the suet....but the only Christmas pudding I ever see is made by my very old fashioned mother-in-law (like pour the bacon grease on the dog's kibble, old fashioned) so I know there's definitely suet in her pudding.  And, if she knew my feelings about the stuff, she'd probably make it with extra suet....just in case I ever lost my mind and decided to have some.

Yes, so while you now know my intimate feelings about Christmas pudding - the irl stuff - I must say I do think this version is super adorable.  It's from DigiStamp Boutique.

Why not give our challenge a go this week and head on over to Little Red Wagon and link up?  And, while you're there, be sure to check out the wonderful projects the other Girlfriends have created.

Also for:

Simon Says Stamp:  food and/or drink
The Holly & The Ivy:  anything Christmas goes
The Merry Christmas Challenge:  anything goes + Christmas
Fab n Funky:  Christmas
Crafty Friends:  add a sentiment


  1. Your card is adorable! The puddings do look good enough to eat and we can pretend that they're made of chocolate with no suet.

  2. Super cute card! And your pudding/gingerbread comments made me smile. I have to say, if I'd had a job like that I'd probably feel that way about it, too. I wasn't a big fan of gingerbread in the States, but Swiss Lebkuchen is delicious!!! It's all natural and the worst bit (or best bit, depending on your taste) is the rum. And honestly, although a bit expensive, I've had some excellent vegan/vegetarian puddings over here, too.

  3. A wonderful card!
    Thank you soo much for taking part in our "add a sentiment” challenge over at Crafty Friends & good luck in the draw.
    Hope to see you again in our new challenge as well…

    (DT-Coordinator Creatalicious Challenges)

    (DT Crafty Friends)

    (DT The Sketchy Challenges)

  4. This is cute. I totally agree with you on the irl Christmas pudding but these ones are great to look at.

  5. Great card, love that patterned paper. Thanks for joining the Merry Christmas Challenge!

  6. Fabulous Christmas card....Thanks for joining us at Fab’n’Funky:)
    Wendy x

  7. Fantastic card, thank you for sharing with us at the Holly and Ivy Christmas Challenge. Shona xx


Okay, so ever since I started my blog (well, maybe not right from the get-go, it was probably a good six months or so before I realized you could change it from just "Leave your comment") I've tried to come up with something witty to type here.

*sitting with brow furrowed in concentration*...*staring at the ceiling while pursing lips*...*resting with head on hand while tapping foot*...

Nope, I still got nothing.