December was a busy month in my kitchen as I'm sure it was in yours. I bought myself two new ceramic items from the
Ann Arbor Potters' Guild December sale (see note at end), I received some gifts, and I tried a few new food products. So for a change I have good material for this month's sharing with other bloggers known as "In My Kitchen." To see the collective list of blogs that have shared kitchen stories this month, link to Sherry's blog
My new mug from the Potters' Guild (center), along with some others with similar glazes. The mug on the
far right is made by the same artist as the new one next to it. |
Beautifully decorated serving platter from the Potters' Guild sale. This platter is around 10" in diameter. |
A small glass knife/spreader, a gift from Evelyn. With some Trader Joe's patè. |
New item from Trader Joe's: brined caperberries. Nicely flavored! |
Another new food item, which I received as a gift: a 1.5 oz. package of duck fat,
which is shown melting in the pot. Inset: the package that it came in.
It was quite delicious and I would buy it again if I found it.
A mushroom brush -- somehow I've always wanted one.
I haven't had any mushrooms since I bought it, so I
don't know yet if it's as useful as I've expected. |
Most fun in my kitchen this month: making Chanukah latkes for 10 people with Carol!
Check out the neat apron, which is identical to the one Carol gave me as a gift. THANKS, CAROL!
She also brought us another jar of Durkee's Special Sauce, an item which I wrote about a couple of months ago. |
A few days ago, I summarized the best things I ate in 2017
on a blog post HERE. I hope to keep blogging about food and reading my favorite blogs in the New Year. To all of you:
My best to everyone for the coming year! |
Note: About the Ann Arbor Potters' Guild from their website: "The Potters Guild is a cooperative non-profit organization comprising over fifty members who share the responsibility and administration of the studio. The range of work includes functional pottery, sculpture, tile work, and wearable art. Firing techniques include low fire oxidation, raku, smoke firing, as well as high fire reduction. As individual artists, we display our work in galleries, locally, throughout Michigan, and across the United States. The Guild holds two sales per year at the studio (in the spring - late April or early May and early December) and has also participated in the Ann Arbor Street Art Fair since it began in 1959."
I adore those pottery pieces. Duck fat would be a really appreciated gift here, too. Happy New Year, Mae.
Loved this post and your fabulous gifts, too. Really fun things!
Can't wait for more Mae in 2018! Happy New Year!
hi Mae
i love the pretty pottery pieces you have. as you know i am a big fan of hand made pieces. thanks so much for being a huge part of IMK this past year. duck fat? what a wonderful gift! it must have been a huge task to make latkes for 10. my dad used to grate piles of potatoes back when we were young but he did it by hand unlike myself who has a food processor! cheers and happy new year S. xx
Happy new year Mae - I love your platter and the apron and am curious about the mushroom brush - have never seen one before but it sounds useful. Hope you have a great 2018
Happy New Year Mae. I love the glazed pottery mugs.
I love my little mushroom brush for cleaning by bread proving baskets! Wish we could get duck fat down where I am, nothing better for roast spuds. Thanks for the peek and a joyful 2018 to you Mae.
Ooooh I like that serving plate! Happy new year Mae!
That pottery is beautiful! And I can't believe how big that bowl is for the latke batter, how did you cook them? Wishing you a great 2018! =)
Your new ceramics look great, I have a weakness for ceramics! I'll have to check TJs for the caperberries, definitely something we would like.
Your new ceramic is lovely, fun to see the different styles of a single potter. And the pattern on the platter reminds me of blue willow.
How do you use the caper berries? I have a jar in my pantry.
Happy New Year Sherry.
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