
He was an extremely fast eater. So we put a rock in his dish to slow him down. We replaced that with one of those special dishes just for that issue. If the others don't eat all of their food I have to put their dishes up so he doesn't polish them off. We'll work on his weight issue. Mine too!
He's a snorer. He snores louder than my ex-wife. He also has a loud screeching bark. I was afraid when he first came to live with us, that a neighbor was going to call the Alaska State Troopers on us thinking I was torturing him.
But he's fitting in with the rest of the gang just fine. He knows when it's walk time or time to get treats.
He generally likes the high spot on the couch. I think it's because he can easily see out the window if he needs to.
Loves snuggling with the grandkids. I'm surprised he didn't push Chloe off the couch when she was sleeping to make more room.
Hank, aka Hank the Tank or Handsome Hank is the new guy. He jointed our pack back in December of last year. He also came to us from Friends of Pets. For whatever reason, his previous owner surrendered him to Anchorage Animal Control. FOP picked him up and put his adoption out there. I watched for a couple weeks and he didn't have any takers. So me and the other beagles had a meeting and said "eh, what's another beagle mouth to feed". So we had him for the weekend and the weekend is still going on.
With a few minor exceptions, Hank has fit in just fine. He thinks he's a lap dog, but he's kind of large. I doubt he's 100% beagle. I believe he has some American Bulldog in him. He's put on some weight while he's been here. Too much actually.He was an extremely fast eater. So we put a rock in his dish to slow him down. We replaced that with one of those special dishes just for that issue. If the others don't eat all of their food I have to put their dishes up so he doesn't polish them off. We'll work on his weight issue. Mine too!
He's a snorer. He snores louder than my ex-wife. He also has a loud screeching bark. I was afraid when he first came to live with us, that a neighbor was going to call the Alaska State Troopers on us thinking I was torturing him.
But he's fitting in with the rest of the gang just fine. He knows when it's walk time or time to get treats.
He generally likes the high spot on the couch. I think it's because he can easily see out the window if he needs to.
Loves snuggling with the grandkids. I'm surprised he didn't push Chloe off the couch when she was sleeping to make more room.
He usually rides in the back, but this day he said he was riding up front. That's him being Mr. Cool.
Here's a short video of us two playing around. https://www.facebook.com/dave.dorsey/videos/10213004124689062/
That rounds it out. Hank was the last to come to what's called the Beagle Ranch by many. Just like the rest, he's got a place for as long as he wants.
Robin - Glad to have them all here.
Thanks for joining us at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2018/03/the-beautiful-biltmore-estate.html
Have a great week!
Beth - He is a character. He likes to grumble also.
Happy Days to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Happy Easter from Germany
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