
Hello!  I am back!  Hope you are doing well.  My thoughts are so scattered right now as we head back to the states in 6 days. I can't believe our grand adventure is almost over with 13 1/2 months behind us.  Is it possible to be happy and sad at the same time?  I am happy to go home, but at the same time, I am going to miss Germany.  It feels strange not to be celebrating the 4th of July tomorrow.  Maybe we can figure something out tomorrow, but it is late right now as we have driven all day back from Italy; however, I wanted to get some of these photos posted.  School got out on the 22nd here in Germany and on Saturday we headed for Genoa where we would catch our ferry to Sardinia.  On the way, we stopped to visit my friend Anita and her family who live outside of Zurich.  It was so nice to finally meet her husband after all this time.  I met Anita in the first year of college.  Anita made us the most amazing lunch and our girls had a blast swimming and the drawing on the sidewalk with chalk. Sadly we couldn't stay long, but I hope we will get to see them again soon.  Did you know that Genoa is the birthplace of Christopher Columbus?  Anyway, we didn't get to see a lot of Genoa because it was Sunday and many things were closed, but we loved walking down the promenade and then playing at the beach.   Well, I can't keep my eyes open any longer, but I will be back soon with photos of our vacation in Sardinia.  Literally, heaven on earth!


Lisa said…
What fabulous pictures!! That beach is amazing!! What a gorgeous place!! Have a great day!! Big hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts
Genoa looks fabulous and your family looks so happy! Happy 4th of July!
Anonymous said…
Kelleyn, came back home yesterday night late. Hope you found something to celebrate the 4th in a way! Yeah, one's own holidays are a conundrum, the first years living abroad, finding something that fits, especially when there's no one around to celebrate it with!
Looks like you had a great time in Genoa - beautiful city from what I see from your shots - thanks you for sharing it with All Seasons!!
Wish you a smooth transition back to the States! Just take it easy - it can't be perfect! Happy for you that your hubby could join!
Tom said… amazing adventure with more to come. Enjoy what life offers each day.
Handmade in Israel said…
What lovely, happy pictures. Sounds like you had fun!
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Beatrice P. Boyd said…
Great visuals of your Genoa visit, Kelleyn. Such smiling faces, great looking food and wonderful architecture. And, you celebrated the July 4th holiday like many fellow Americans by going to the beach. How wonderful to be able to visit your college friend as well.
Beauty Unearthly said…
Interesting post dear fnd great pics! xx
DUTA said…
Terrific pictures of your family at Genoa! Both the pictures and the written details make for a wonderful post to read and enjoy.
Lookinfg forward to the account of your visit to the island of Sardinia.

(thanks for your comment on my last post; it 'landed' on the post before the last; could you possibly send it again? Much obliged).
eileeninmd said…
Hello, love the family photos at Genoa. It is a beautiful place. It must be sa to leave Germany, but nice to be coming home. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!
LA Paylor said…
each place we go becomes home, doesn't it? Great shots and the joy shows in them
Christine said…
Gorgeous family photos, thanks for sharing!
Jill Foley said…
Beautiful photos!
David M. Gascoigne, said…
I can guarantee you that when you return to the United States you are going to miss Europe more than you can imagine, especially in these distopian days of Trumpism.
Sharon said…
Those smiles on your kids' faces are the best! The beach looks fabulous. I've been to Cinque Terre, so I think I was close to Genoa but missed it. I would love to visit!I hope your move back to the US goes smoothly!
I spent my honeymoon to husband #1 in Germany! It was breathtaking!
I can't wait to visit more of your blog to see how you wound up there.

Thanks for sharing!

Sharon Wagner said…
I have a friend in Italy right now too. Boy, those tarts look delicious. Thanks for hooking up to my new linky!
What a fabulous trip!! Thanks for sharing. I hope you got to have a little 4th of July celebration!
Sweet and lovely photos! I am sure you will miss travelling Europe, I know I would. Safe journey and welcome back home :)

Saša S. said…
what a happy children ... with permanent smile :)

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