Tuesday, July 24, 2018

My Oma's 90th Birthday and a Linky

The restaurant in La Jolla where we had the birthday dinner

My hubby and I flew to the States to visit my Oma (German for grandma) for her 90th birthday. Today's photos are of the pre-dinner party we had at the rental home in La Jolla, San Diego, where family and friends gathered and also a couple of photos at the restaurant. There were about 15 people who came to celebrate the day with her. I also wrote a short poem for my Oma that morning, which I read at the dinner.

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Pre-dinner snacks

Pre-dinner snacks

My brother and dad

My hubby and step-dad

My dad and brother and me
(My dad flew from Singapore, my brother from China,
and Hubby and I from South Africa)

My cousin, aunt, and mom

My Oma (German for grandma)

My poem

My brother and I with Oma at the restaurant

Oma with her tiramisu birthday cake


Here's a peek at
my latest post
on 1camera1mom:

Old Town, San Diego


My Latest Blog Post:

Cover Reveal and Pre-Order Links


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Amanda’s Books and More

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What fab photo's A Big happy 90th birthday to your Omas I hope I look as well as she does if I survive that age :-)

Have a birthdaytastic week :-)
1 reply · active 348 weeks ago
Thanks, Steve! Yes, I hope we all age well. I think humour helps, so keep at it! Take care!
(Did you notice that I chose British spelling for humour? I did that just for you!) :D
Lydia C. Lee's avatar

Lydia C. Lee · 348 weeks ago

What a lovely celebration for all!
I would love to interview your Oma for NanaHood or perhaps you could write her story as a post for us? I would love it!
1 reply · active 348 weeks ago
That sounds like a fabulous idea! You can email me the interview questions and I'll send them on to my Oma. I think hearing from her will be nicer than from me. Maybe only a few questions as I'm not sure if she'll need help from my aunt or cousin to type her responses, but I think she'd feel honored. :)
God Bless Her. Thanks for hosting and I hope that you have a wonderful week.
Happy Birthday Grandma! Food looks tasty!
Your grandma looks lovely, what an amazing time! Wishing you well!!
Thanks for hosting. Happy Birthday to your sweet Grandma. I am not sure if my linkup worked. First timer. Happy Summer, Kippi
1 reply · active 347 weeks ago
Yes, it worked! I was able to visit your pretty blog without a hitch! The way the linky works is that you type in the name of your blog or blog post under Link Title, then type in your email under Email Address (which I don't sell to anyone and rarely even look at), then copy your permalink to your post (most link parties ask for posts and not blog homepages) and paste that under URL making sure that you use http:// or https:// only once (so really it should say Permalink and not URL, but I didn't create the widget and wouldn't know how!), and that's it!
Thanks for visiting and have a great weekend!

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