Sunday, 5 August 2018

Things on my Wooden Floating Shelf

A few weeks ago, we had some new windows put in.  D decided to inject some colour into the space and put up some wooden 'floating shelves'.  This room is actually supposed to be a conservatory, but it hardly gets any sun, so we decided between the two of us it would be an extension of the kitchen.
This extended kitchen space is looking even more awesome now, as I have got to showcase some of our hard earned kitchenalia from years gone, including Tierra Negra pots, Fairtrade tea cups and saucers from Natural Collection.  Some Le Creuset soup bowls with lid (all on the top shelf), as well as many unbranded kitchen gifts from from family and friends. 
Here is a picture of the extended kitchen space with a breakfast table  for two (on the left) looking out onto the garden.  D has been loving this aspect of the space, as he will come down with his ipad, make himself a black coffee and gaze out at the birds on the feeder.

Some of you may remember last year we purchased a grocers wooden crate fruit vegetable stand (right at the back in the photograph above) as I wanted something to stack my collection of storage glass jars.  Some Kilner, some LaParfait some and some up-cycled coffee jars all holding lentils, rice, flours, spices and other dried foods.
Here is my charcoal Magimix that D got me well over a decade ago when we lived in Glasgow.  He got it for me for Christmas.  I have a photograph of me unwrapping it.  I am ashamed to say that I have hardly used it as I tend to do everything with my hands, but I will make more of an effort.  

We went to a place called Ledbury a few weeks ago and stumbled across a shop selling old and new nick nacks.  We saw this cereal and dry food dispenser.  As we tend to buy a lot of our dried goods in bulk like beans and lentils, I couldn't resist it, it was a affordable bargain price.  Some girls and boys come back with new shoes, I go to a new town and come back with a piece  for the kitchen.  I feel ever so posh now.  I have pasta, dried fruit, rolled oats and rice in it so far.  
Tiffany style tea-cup lamp.  If you look at the first photograph, you will also see a Tiffany style tea-pot lamp.  I love these.  D got them for me when we moved back to Wales. He does love me very much. 
Some storage jars.  I picked these up for 50p each at a Car Boot Sale. They compliment others that I have at home with olives, herbs and spices. 

This is a 'Teapot for Two'.  It compliments the 'Tea for One' Teapot I was given a few years back by a work colleague for my Birthday.
This grasshopper plant holder has featured on my blog before, but not with the succulent plants, that i picked up to put on the new window sill in the extended kitchen space. 
I have also featured this ceramic bird ornament with a tomato on its head.  I am showing it off again because I love it so much, especially the various vegetables on its belly.  We got it from Bruge in Belgium, now it has pride of place (see first photograph) where it can be enjoyed by all who see it.

By the way, we have two new neighbours.  One moved in a month ago, and the other early this week.  One of our elderly neighbours passed away last year and the family put the house on the market and it sold pretty quickly.  The other neighbours had gone overseas and rented their place out for over four years, they came back in March and put their place up for sale, it also sold within the week.  So we have two new neighbours. The one new neighbour that moved in a couple of months ago has a dog and four chickens.  She gave us some eggs which is my only food offering this month for In My Kitchen. Of course, I repayed the compliment and gave her some rhubarb and some courgettes.  I am hoping the newest neighbour who moved in this week with her two dogs will be just as nice, but I am a little unsure about her.  I am hoping to be wrong.   
I am sharing this blog post with Sherry Pickings for In My Kitchen series, its one of my favourite blog events to participate in as it gives us all an opportunity to take a peek into fellow bloggers kitchen world wide. 


  1. I like your new shelves and what you keep on it, your kitchen looks very cute and practical. It is always nice to have a good neighbors, we live next door to a place that has been rented to several annoying people with the noisiest children in the world :)
    Good luck with your new neighbors xx

    1. Thank you Laura. Yeah, I think we have acquired some grandparents who babysit the noisiest grandchidren, they are there at w/e and after work, the quite garden place I have no longer exists and if its not the kids and the barking dogs! Thanks for the warm wishes.

  2. Your chicken looks as if it is planning to try out to be in one of the Wallace and Grommet series. What a great object! You have definitely expanded into a very pretty space.

    best... mae at

    1. Thank you so much Mae. We are both delighted with the space

  3. hi Shaheen,
    thanks so much for joining in with us at IMK. i adore all your ceramics and knick knacks. that hen is so cute and the grasshopper is adorable. great idea with the dry foods dispenser. yep looks very swish. good luck with the neighbours too. your kitchen extension looks lovely. i too go away on hols and bring back heaps of kitchenalia. once a foodie, always a foodie:) cheers sherry x

    1. Thank you Sherry always a pleasure to join in. Yes once a foodie always a foodie

  4. This was a good use of that conservatory space. I enjoyed peeking into your kitchen...Hope the new neighbors are quiet.

  5. Good luck with the new neighbour! And yay for fresh eggs. I make a lot of use of my Kitchen Aid. Mostly for kneading dough and making pasta :)

  6. What a great IMK post, so much interesting kitchen paraphernalia to see - that hen with the tomato on its head looks quite dopey but in an amusing way. I love your tiffany teacup and teapot and I am quite impressed by your dispensers. And I really love that you have extended your kitchen - a conservatory sounds like a nice place to enjoy your kitchen - hope you have some nice views of your garden. And good luck with the neighbours!

    1. Thank you so so much Johanna. So pleased you enjoyed this post. I am trying to remain positive with the new neighbours.

  7. This space is gorgeous! All those beautiful things to cook with!!!! I love it!

  8. What a perfectly charming space you've created there! It is like a beautiful culinary art museum. I hope you get on swell with both sets of neighbors! Time will tell! :)

  9. Thank you so much. What a lovely compliment. I am trying to remain positive about the newest neighbours.

  10. Lovely kitchen Shaheen and the shelves look awesome.
    I spotted the Tierra Negra as soon as I looked at the shelves.... I love it too xx

  11. Shaheen, what a visual treat! The light from your conservatory windows (and frosted window in the door) and neutral colored flooring and walls are a perfect complement to the rich wood and pops of color. How nice to be able to see your favorite kitchen things every day -- all within reach to use or enjoy. I simply love your kitchen extension!

  12. I love the shelves and your assorted items. You can never have too many shelves!

    1. Thank you Kari. My husband is wondering if he should get some more, but he's not quite sure where to put them though...


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