Thanks to all who wished me a speedy and full recovery on my foot surgery two weeks ago! As I stated in this post, I finally decided to have reconstructive surgery to repair a large bunion and a hammertoe on my left foot. It seems this condition runs in my family as siblings and cousins informed me that they have the same condition(s). For many years I tolerated the progression of these deformities, but they were getting worse, and I was finding it hard to find comfortable shoes for both feet as the left foot was very wide from the rather large and heavy bunion while the right foot was fine. I love to walk and hike, so when my podiatrist told me he could perform the surgery under local anesthesia, and that I would be able to have some mobility immediately afterward if I wore a large compression boot, I decided to have the procedure.
As you can see from all the grandchildren toys in my family room, I am pretty active in helping to watch my grandchildren, so being incapacitated for four to six weeks was not something I looked forward to, but I also wanted to be able to walk again in comfort and I decided winter would be a good season to take a break and do this. Surgery went well. My doctor told me I almost delayed too long, as I had an internal cyst on my bone and very tight tendons. I'll spare you photos of my foot post op ...think lots of stitches and a pin in one toe. Ouchie! Actually, I've had minimal pain during this process so far. What I did not expect was difficulty walking in the boot. It really isn't that comfortable, and it makes my leg elevated in height over any shoe I wear on my right foot so that my hips and knees begin to hurt when I walk too much. So for the last couple of weeks, I have done a lot of sitting without wearing the boot. I admit to binge-watching all the "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo" show on Netflix during this downtime. I was impressed with her way of folding and stacking clothes on the vertical in drawers, and want to do that to my drawers when I have the opportunity.
My husband has been so wonderfully attentive during my recovery. Not only does he help put on and take off the boot for me when I use it, as the velcro straps can be difficult to maneuver, he has also been cooking delicious meals and treated me to a sushi dinner and some delicious Greek Moussaka at local restaurants! It's nice to get out now and then when I get cabin fever.
I've also been reading quite a bit, and coincidently the day I spent time re-reading some of Mary Oliver's poetry was the day she sadly passed away. I've always had some quotes from her poems on my blog sidebar, as her deep love for nature and descriptive prose always inspired me. She said in a poem that after death she would like to come back as a hummingbird. I hope she will be granted her wish! You can learn more about her webpage -- click here.
A bit of local excitement in our community has been recent views of this big beautiful bobcat! Bobcats rarely attack humans but I would worry about a small domestic animal that is alone outside. They usually eat voles, mice, insects, birds, and rabbits. They can become prey for coyotes and mountain lions.
As you can see my community is located at the base of a section of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains...
...which is wild open space full of wild animals, so we have to expect to see some of them from time to time.
It is an incredible place to live!
Not only does our community have 45 miles of private trails that wind up and around the foothills, but we are close to many state and open space parks to enjoy. So you can see why I want to have good feet with which to walk and enjoy all those trails. It is just a matter of being patient now until I heal. My stitches come out this week and the pin in another two weeks after that. Then I'll be able to walk with a shoe again! It is getting easier all the time.
I'm linking this post to the following blog events:
Amaze Me Monday, Mosaic Monday, All Seasons, Blue Monday, Through My Lens Monday, Inspiration Monday, Blogging Grandmothers, Hearth, and Soul Link Party, You Are the Star Blog Hop, Good Random Fun, Nature Notes, Grand Social, Travel Photos, Photo Tunes, Happiness Is Homemade, Tuesday Treasures, Pictorial Tuesday, Our World Tuesday, Ruby Tuesday, Tuesdays With A Twist, Party in Your PJ's, Wordless Wednesday, Nanahood WW, Oh My Heartsie Girl's Wonderful Wednesday, Outdoor Wednesday, Words On Wednesday, Whimsical Wednesday, Your Whims Wednesday, Wednesday Around the World, Wonderful Wednesday, Little Things Thursday,Thankful Thursday, Thursday Favorite Things, Thursday Traffic Jam Weekend Linky, Pretty Pintastic Party, Friendship Fridays, Friday Photo Journal, Skywatch Friday, Sweet Inspiration, Pink Saturday, Saturday Critters, Over the Moon, Happiness Is Homemade, Wandering Camera (monthly-last Thursday of the month)

Oh my! You certainly live in a beautiful place. I have only been to the mountains a very few times in my life and never in the winter, but your photos sure make me want to visit:) So glad you are adjusting to the surgery and using your "down time" to get some good rest and enjoy some quiet activities. Sometimes we just need that. (I say that yet I am a person that seems to need to be on the go!!!) I have never heard of the Oliver poet but since I love poetry I will look into her. Hope you continue to heal and that soon you will be able to walk those trails with no pain or discomfort. Have an awesome week.
So happy to hear you had successful surgery and that you'll be up and around in no time....Sue.
As for those Bobcats.....when Heather and family with brand new baby Jack vacationed in Palm Springs last year they stayed in a resort where they had their own patio......Heather stepped inside for a minute and Sophie heard rustling in the bushes she has sense enough to pick up Jack and brought him inside....Over the wall came a Bobcat that they actually filmed. It shook all over like it was having a seizure....and then walked off...When they told the front desk the hotel said "Oh they won't bother you they are just wild cats that we can't control"......for over a thousand dollars a night you better control them...and it was no cat it looked just like the pictures you posted...
So glad you're healing well, Pat, and that Vinny is taking great care of you. I thought of you today when we visited the snow sculptures downtown. Good you didn't try a trip to the mountains, though - traffic was/is horrendous on 70.
Hopefully the rest of your recover goes smoothly. Beautiful bobcat.
I know recovery is difficult, but take it from me, you'll be so glad you did the surgery.
Glad to hear you are healing well. My sister had reconstructive foot surgery a year and a half ago and has completely healed and all is well.
I'm glad to hear that the surgery was successful, Pat, and it seems like healing is going as planned. You do live in such a beautiful part of the world and I love the way you and your husband get out and explore it.
Pat - congrats on the brave decision to proceed with the surgery. I wish you a speedy recovery - you'll be out there hiking those trails again before you know it. I loved the pictures of the bobcat - we 'caught' a bobcat on our trail cam, but the shots are at night and not nearly as clear as your pictures! You live in a beautiful community, even more picturesque with snow and blue skies. Thanks for linking up to Mosaic Monday!
You certainly live in a dream area! So beautiful. And I'm glad to hear your foot is getting better and better.
I wish you’ll heel quickly from your surgery. The bobcat is a great animal 6 your views are beautiful. Happy MM.
Hello, you do live in a beautiful area. I can see why you want to be able to hike and enjoy the outdoors. The Bobcat is beautiful, wonderful captures.
I hope you foot is healing well and you will be out walking normal soon. Gorgeous photos. Have a happy day and a great new week ahead!
I am so glad the surgery went well and your are healing quickly! That bobcat is wonderful!
Best wishes for healing... I read this Post with great pleasure to see the Bobcat.
Happy MosaicMonday!
Have a nice Week.
What a wonderful post, Pat! I agree you live where it's just gorgeous! What great shot of the bobcat! I'm happy to hear you are healing well. Do take it easy though.
Warm hugs from your Texas friend,
Glad you're on the mend and am hoping you'll soon be up and running around in more comfort than ever before!
Thanks for linking up at
Hi there,
I should have that surgery too but can't bring myself to do it. I've heard it's a long hard recovery. I wrote a post on Marie's cleaning method on NanaHood last week. I had never seen the show before. I wish you the best and a speedy recovery!
Speedy recovery. Happy mosaic Monday.
We don't have Bobcats in the UK, would love to see one in the wild
Keep your feet up when you can. I am glad you are recovering. Nice to see sights from your corner of the world. Much the same going on here.
I'm so glad your surgery is behind you and now you can focus on a successful recovery! Your area is beautiful Pat! The photos of the bobcat are amazing. He's a big one. Take care and rest. ♥
I am glad to hear that your recovery is going well. You were smart to go ahead and have it done. My father had really bad bunions in both feet and they severely impaired his mobility late in life.
You will be healed up in time to recover on your great trails in your community. What a treat.
Bobcats are cool critters. I knew a guy that had a pet bobcat. He didn’t keep it in a pen or anything. He lived in the country and let it roam free. The one time I saw it, the bobcat was playing in the front yard with a little kitten. Pretty funny. As the bobcat got older it started leaving for longer and longer periods and then finally quit coming back to his house. (He lived way out in the country)
What an interesting array of photos this week. Hope you recovery quickly!
...I had hammertoe surgery several years ago, what a waste of time. The best surgeon in town sure didn't do much of a job. Those are some mighty neat winter shots. Thanks.
The weeks of healing will all be worth it in the end, speedy recovery for you ♥
Yay to you getting the stitches out and making a wonderful recovery. I know those boots are surprisingly tricky to manoeuvre about in as we have had both our son and our daughter in them for various football injuries. Still, as I can see you are looking for the positives, in addition to being to dance around in your favourite party shoes like a 21 yr old, and reading and Netflix is a bonus - I have enjoyed that Marie Kondo series too!
Wren x
Good to hear you are on the mend. Lots of time on your hands to plan which trails you will tackle first. Your surrounding landscapes look so inviting I can understand your frustration at being housebound.
Good luck recovering! I'm doing the same from a sinus surgery!
Well, I have to say your scenic photos are just gorgeous and if you have to be chairbound for a bit, you could have no more inspiring a view. Are you anywhere near Boulder or Colorado Springs? Just curious as I might be heading to CO this spring.
I can't say I'm Marie's biggest fan (or fan period) but I really DO love her way of folding clothes and have adapted that. And even though I'm not thrilled with her scary method she does inspire one to get the lead out and at least deal with that stuff that really you just hate dealing with.
Mountain lion -- yikes. And hammertoe? I don't remember you mentioning that one before. I'm not sure I want to know what the surgery is for that one. I've got at least one of those and the thought of having them done I find disconcerting. No one's mentioned it to me but I always wonder! At any rate, it sounds like you are holding up to confinement pretty well and I'm really glad that there's not loads of pain, though I'm sure you'll be more than happy to shed the boot. Hang in there!
I remember seeing warning signs about mountain lions when I was in Colorado and Manitou Springs. Kind of scary but yeah, I guess. I swear I've heard bobcat here (WI) in the summer and everyone mostly said I was nuts but I'm sticking to it.
Incredible views you've got there, especially with all the snow. Would you like some more, how about you take some off our hands?
I hope you heal quickly, I remember falling on the ice and ending up in one of those boots. I felt like Frankenstein trying to walk in the ice and snow which was only funny if you weren't the one doing it.
So pleased to read that you are healing well.
You do live in a beautiful part of the world, and I know you will be back out walking very soon.
Lovely photographs, and mosaics.
Continued good wishes, as you heal from your foot surgery.
All the best Jan
I'm so glad the healing process is going well. And oh that Bobcat is wonderful -- what an amazing creature to see in your own backyard. The snow is lovely to look at, but I think you picked a good time of year to have your surgery -- you'll be all ready to go when the weather eases up! (And you do live in an amazing place.)
Your view is just gorgeous! And how cool is it to have that kind of wildlife roll through. I could handle a bobcat, mountain lions probably not so much. In Texas we have snakes and wild hogs. LOL . And everything here is just so brown right now. Hope you are having an amazing week!
Glad you didn't delay longer on having your surgery. Good to hear your recovery is going well and that hubby has been a champ in helping you. You really do live in a beautiful part of this world. That Bobcat is handsome. I wouldn't want to meet him/her on a walk!!
What wonderful scenery, so different from mine!
I'm so glad things have progressed so much that you could have the surgery under a local, medicine is amazing!
This is the perfect time to catch up on all your binging!!
I've rearranged all my drawers as well, Japanese style :-) I'm glad to hear that you've had the surgery, hope you are mending nicely.
I am glad you are healing and have such a sweet hubby to help you! Take care and go slow! Of course I love seeing that beautiful Bobcat! I was so fortunate to see one here awhile back. I'm still telling that story!lol Stay warm and safe! Sweet hugs, Diane
I enjoy seeing all of your snow, but not sure I would like living with it all of the time. We have had some cold temps and I think that is enough! lol Glad to see that you are healing well. Be well :) Thanks for linking up today.
Glad your surgery went well and wishing you a speedy recovery! I remember when my wife went through similar surgery and wore "the boot". There were times when I wasn't as attentive as your husband, and I almost got the boot!! (just kidding)
So sorry to see you are somewhat incapacitated! Your bobcat pictures are amazing. It looks like you may live in Colorado? Last time we were in CO visiting my son and his family, a bear attacked his garbage can. we have never seen a bobcat, though!
Good choice to do your surgery in winter. You'll be ready to go for the Spring wildflower walks. Best wishes to you. By the way,
I saw a hummingbird in the backyard today. :-)
Dear Pat - so sorry you’re laid up while your foot heals. I know how uncomfortable it can be to wear that thing. It throws off all your balance and weight and tires you out. Thank goodness V inny is there to help you out. You were wise to take care of the problem though. By the time spring rolls around, you’ll be hiking again.
Dear Pat - so sorry you’re laid up while your foot heals. I know how uncomfortable it can be to wear that thing. It throws off all your balance and weight and tires you out. Thank goodness V inny is there to help you out. You were wise to take care of the problem though. By the time spring rolls around, you’ll be hiking again.
Exciting seeing that bobcat! Wow! Loved your gorgeous wintry scenery too. Sorry you are boot-encumbered these days! Hope the foot heals quickly!
What a great neighborhood you live in!! Speedy, but patient, recovery. My wife regrets the surgery she went through years ago..hope you have better luck.
Thanks for linking up to My Corner of the World! I hope to see you again next week.
I am glad to hear that you are heeling well but I am sure the pain and inability to carry our daily activities is frustrating.....
Pat I am so glad to hear that your surgery went well. You did right in having it now so that when the warmer weather comes around you'll be all set to go out to your beloved nature trails.
I also watched the Marie Kondo series and did the drawers. They are a game changer, you can actually see what you have and you have more room in the drawers. I just bought her book because I really want to do the rest of the house and really purge all that unnecessary stuff that accumulates from who knows where.
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