
Hi!  How are you?  Did you have a  good weekend? We sadly had to give our guinea pigs away.  Apparently, my son Winston is very allergic to them.  The good thing is they are going to live with some friends of ours so the girls can go visit them anytime. After handing them over to our friends the girls and I went to dinner, picked out some books at the book store, and then went to the movies.  We went to see A Dogs Way Home.   It was a little too scary for the girls.  If you have tender-hearted little ones this movie may not be for them.  It is Monday night here in Georgia, and we are supposed to get snow in the morning.  I am finding it hard to believe though because it is 56 degrees outside and the skies are clear, but in Georgia fashion, everyone is panicking and schools are closed tomorrow as a precaution.  I actually don't mind as this means we can all sleep in!  Yahoo!  Well, Here are a few photos from our week.  Still don't have a camera right now, so I am using my phone.  Have a great week!

the girls got these cute shoes from TOMS to kick off Chinese New Year

my son Roman was set apart as a deacon in our church,
he can now pass the sacrament.

made this yummy soup recipe by David Lebovitz

snow so they say


junieper/jesh said…
You must be very proud of your son - wow, he's as tall as his dad! How quickly they grow up, eh? Congrats to his deacon ship! Thank you for sharing with us!
56 - doesn't it need to become a little colder for snow? Tell us at All Seasons how it turns out!
Annsterw said…
That soup looks delicious!! It is so cold here - I think I may try that recipe for this week warm up!!! Thanks!
NCSue said…
Congratulations to your son. I know you're proud of him, and rightly so!
Thanks for sharing at
italiafinlandia said…
Hello Kelleyn,
a light snowfall will be just enjoyable!
William Kendall said…
Here we're having a very snowy winter.
Angie said…
It's so amusing that they would close the schools the night before as a precaution ... but I understand a place like Atlanta has zero equipment to deal with the white stuff. We recently had a foot of snow and most of the schools were still open! Congrats to your son!
Beatrice P. Boyd said…
When we lived on the VA eastern shore, schools would close even before a snowstorm was announced and then there would be a delayed opening fir a couole of inches.
Su-sieee! Mac said…
The weather guys are saying we may have a bit of snow in our part of California (Central coast) in this upcoming flurry of rain days. If it does the backroads will be a long line of cars as we all want to touch the snow. I think it's been about 10 years or so since we've had snow fall on our low mountain tops. Happy Snow Day!
P.S. Your family photo is so sweet. You need to get yourself in there next time. Congrats to your son.

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