February 5, 2019

Birds on a Plane

At Front Royal - Warren County Airport.

Tuesday Treasures, Wordless on Tuesday


  1. ...it's hard to believe that this huge plane can get off the ground. Thanks Linda for stopping by, enjoy!

  2. New home for the birds resting place for the plane

  3. The birds are waiting for their flight to take off! Lol!

  4. "Silly hoomans, we can show them how it's done."

  5. Although the plane does not look good however the birds on their look great. Thanks cheap airport parking

  6. the birds found a cool place to check out, rest or just veg? i love old planes and jets!! awesome! ( ;

  7. Looks like that jet has flown some major miles.

  8. You wonder what the birds think of it.

  9. They forgot to fly I think. :)

  10. Made me smile Linda, super fun capture 😊

  11. oh really amazing to see birds on plane because they are curious who is it that can fly on skies except us. Gatwick South Terminal Parking


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