Again, Happy Chinese New Year
Gong Xi Fat Chai!
This time I managed to attend Festival Imlek National 2019 at Jakarta International Expo from 7 - 10 February 2019.
We also took pictures here and there!
So many lovely backgrounds depicting the beauty of China.
And RED is obviously the color!
I guess they say it brings good luck,
No wonder our OOTD or Outfit of the Day was dominated with red.
Care to know what I wore?
I was happily wearing
- red Funtastic, Boombastic Indonesia (courtesy of the Consulate General of Indonesia in NYC);
-wide leg pants from Macy's;
- Fedora hat I bought from American Market in Ueno, Japan;
- Jelly fish earrings in red and purple from @uniqlykamea (check her cute IG)
- and Sketcher's sandals in black and ribbons
While Bo was wearing:
- Starwars t-shirt from Uniqlo
- camo shorts from Gap
- Yongky Komaladi sandals
Obi as cutely wearing:
- bedtime is my kryptonite t-shirt from Macy's
- White pants from Gap
- glittery sandals from Oshkosh B'Gosh
- daddy's hat from DC comics
Don't forget to join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (just click the link) and enjoy the link party!
This time I managed to attend Festival Imlek National 2019 at Jakarta International Expo from 7 - 10 February 2019.
I came with my kids and they love the lion dance and fireworks!
It was sooo fun!
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Lion dance! |
So many lovely backgrounds depicting the beauty of China.
Happy Chinese New Year |
And RED is obviously the color!
I guess they say it brings good luck,
No wonder our OOTD or Outfit of the Day was dominated with red.
Care to know what I wore?
I was happily wearing
- red Funtastic, Boombastic Indonesia (courtesy of the Consulate General of Indonesia in NYC);
-wide leg pants from Macy's;
- Fedora hat I bought from American Market in Ueno, Japan;
- Jelly fish earrings in red and purple from @uniqlykamea (check her cute IG)
- and Sketcher's sandals in black and ribbons
While Bo was wearing:
- Starwars t-shirt from Uniqlo
- camo shorts from Gap
- Yongky Komaladi sandals
Obi as cutely wearing:
- bedtime is my kryptonite t-shirt from Macy's
- White pants from Gap
- glittery sandals from Oshkosh B'Gosh
- daddy's hat from DC comics
the red gate |
Do you also celebrate Chinese New Year in your country as well?
How is the celebration?
Ours is obviously very merry.
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The fireworks! |
Don't forget to join us on (almost) Wordless Wednesday (just click the link) and enjoy the link party!
While we don't celebrate it, I do love to see everyone's posts about it. It's so festive and looks like a lot of fun. The dragon dance looks very interesting!
ReplyDeleteIt was indeed very festive here, Theresa and we all love the celebration
DeleteFun! Have a great year! Year of the pig!
ReplyDeleteyou too..enjoy the year of the pig!
DeleteKalau pas Imlek gini saya paling suka melihat pertunjukan barongsai. Kagum ama kekompakan dan kerjasama dari para pemainnya. Lebih kagum lagi sama pelatihnya yang mampu mengorganisir anggotanya hingga mampu mempertontonkan pertunjukan yang mengundang decak kagum dan riuh tepukan tangan
ReplyDeletebangeet mbaa..itu kesenian kereeen yang tidak mudah lho
DeleteKalau momen imlek gini aku langsung inget zaman magang dulu, sering dikasih kue keranjang/dodol (eh apa ya namanya) sama temen-temen di kantor. Seru juga lihat pertunjukan barongsai di daerah Andir di Bandung
ReplyDeletekueee keranjaaang! Asli itu enak banget yaaa, aku suka
DeleteLQQKED like fun I enjoyed your photos and the fireworks heheh!
ReplyDeleteHave a festivaltastic week ;-)
Sayang banget pas adik saya lamaran. Padahal saya suka datang ke event begini. Suka ada aja yang menarik
ReplyDeletewoaaa leang-leong tuh indah banget ya. kesan awal seram, tapi begitu dia berliuk-liuk, cantik bikin terpesona dg aksinya. saya cuma sekali lihat secara langsung, dan pengen lihat lagi. tapi kmrn gak sempat ke klenteng. hiks
ReplyDeleteSenangnyaaaa...menikmati imlek dengan hiburannya...seru banget pastinya..kmrn ga sempet nonton saya..
ReplyDeleteWaktu hari imlek niatan mau ke Jakarta, karena di Cikarang tidak ada perayaan meriah. Duh, sayang malah gak jadi. Semoga tahun depan bisa.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great moment.. I wish i could attend with my kids too.. they must be very excited to see this unique culture.
ReplyDeleteBarongsai, itu yang aku inget klo imlek datang. Sama berharap malamnya hujan deras... Bukan apa2, tpi seneng aja klo hujan pas malam. Dan katanya kan klo malam imlek hujan...rejeki akan berlimpah. Nggak tau bener apa nggaknya...di aamiin i aja...😀
ReplyDeleteThe fun lasts for 15 days! Great photos, Indah.
ReplyDeleteWah, pas kemarin saya sekeluarga juga main-main ke Mall terus lihat barongsai serta dekorasi khas Imlek begini. Pas banget sekalian mengajarkan anak perbedaan budaya dan keindahan dari tiap perbedaannya.
ReplyDeleteFestival memang seru banget ya mba, banyak acara seru yang bisa diikuti. Apalagi kalau lihat pertunjukan barongsai
ReplyDeleteWah pernah sekali nonton perayaan cap gomeh di bogor waktu msh tinggal di sana tak kalah seru. N yang pasti jd tahu budaya tionghoa
ReplyDeleteObi udah mulai susah difoto ya mba? Kok nutupin mukanya pake topi. Hehehehe
ReplyDeletesekarang di Indonesia mulai banyak yah tempat-tempat yang bikin program untuk merayakan Imlek. Jadi nambah pengetahuan juga untuk anak-anak, bisa melihat betapa kaya dan beraneka ragam budaya yang ada di negara kita.
Salah satu pertunjukkan yaang selalu bikin kagum adalah pertujukkan barongsai. Kalo ga pinter ya susah itu.
ReplyDeleteDuh pasti seru banget ini festival secara bunyi-bunyiannya juga membuat jantung degdegan. Aku suka motret kalau ada acara-acara begini.
ReplyDeleteBiasanya imlek selalu hujan bikin mager di rumah setelah punya anak kecil-kecil, dulu sebelum nikah aku selalu ke kota tua, pecinan buat nyaksiin keramaian imlek. Suka banget kalau pas ada pertunjukan barong sai hehehehe
ReplyDeleteImlek selalu seru yaa mba.. pecinan di malioboro jogja juga lagi banyak acara nih, penuh bangeet :)
ReplyDeleteI didn't celebrate Chinese new year but I do love it if I have a chance to see the event. Thanks for sharing. Always love your story
ReplyDeleteAku gagal fokus sama tingginya Bo, ya ampun udah gedhe banget si Bo ya. Hahahaha. Perasaan dulu pas ketemu di Jakarta masih kecil. Time flies