6 Mar 2019


Decoration for your garden

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As it is still to early to think about planting flowers and others things in our gardens, we thought we would look for some decoration. Not so for me, because in my garden there are quite a lot of cat sculptures or figurines. But my friend Myriam was looking for something nice for around her swimming pool and also for the front yard.

We saw some really funny things ! A yoga frog, and a huge hyppo both for probably relaxing purposes, because if I looked at the hyppo it made me want to lay besides it. The comic bird made us laugh and the dog which looked deep in the grass for a bone too.

This face is not really made to cheer you up when you look out of your window, it's rather creepy. She didn't like the spitting dwarf or whatever it was (an elf ?) she said it would cause her a nervous breakdown. The snail was too pink and didn't fit.

and this lady was too voluminous to fit around the swimming pool. I laughed my head off when I thought what her guests would think finding this lady doing her gymnastic around the pool.

I had difficulties to understand how one could put skulls in his garden (see picture above) ! A new Goth fashion or what the house owner found in his garden digging for a flower bed ? Maybe the house was built on a graveyard ?  I don't know why but the owl made me think of all the bad things I had done during the week, with its severe look.

After having laughed enough she didn't buy anything and we will look in another shop.

Honestly I prefer my sculptures and cat Arthur too and I would need a lot of help to put them up.

Linking to One Liner Wednesday


  1. If I had a garden big enough, I wouldn't mind any of them. Apart from the skulls of course: that's going a bit far. But the dog is just too funny and I love the frog!

  2. Who knew there were so many garden decorations out there? I especially like the yoga frog. The skulls? I don't like them anywhere. They are very popular here in Texas. It has something to do with Day of the Dead, I think.

  3. Who knew there would be so much choice? Such a wide variety.

  4. I think the hippo one is my favourite.

  5. A lot of fun sculptures! I love the hippo and the doggy! The meditating frog is so cute, too :-) But of course, your kitty sculpture is the best!

  6. Nice to meet you, Gattina. I too am German, married to an Italian. ☺ Love the funny sculptures! That portly woman doing exercises would surely inspire me to lose weight. We have many dog sculptures scattered about the yard. Alles Gute!

  7. What fun sculptures! Thanks for sharing them, I couldn't pick either - MOL!

  8. They are all looking so funny!

  9. The dog is funny and I don't mind the gymnastics woman figures.

  10. Great variety to choose from. Loved the dog and the frog!

  11. Love the photos of the sculptures. The dog one is hilarious. The last one I thought was two cats until I realized one was a sculpture too, lol.

  12. I like the owls, but the skulls are too ugly and frightening! And yes, I could lay down in the warm grass beside that hippo, too. But who needs sculptures when you have pets for decoration and entertainment!
    Have a wonderful weekend!


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