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Sunday, October 14, 2012


From the best Christmas Card Challenge site in the universe!!!
(and I quote)
 "If you played along with us last year at ♥JINGLE BELLES♥ you might remember that we dedicated the first card-making prompt of october to breast cancer awareness month, and that stephanie and i (lauren) honored all of the brave women who are coping with, or have battled, that disease in a couple of ways: first by making pink christmas cards, and then by donating a dollar each to the susan g. komen fund for every pink christmas card our fellow belles made and linked up with us during the challenge period, and we raised $75! this year our prompts are twice as long, so we've decided to go twice as big: we'll be donating $2 each, for a total of $4 per card. so for anyone who's been thinking about joining in with us, but hasn't yet, *THIS* is the week, you guys, let's RAISE SOME MONEY!!! but first, let's make some ♥pink♥ christmas cards!"

So what to do, what to do.... 
Make Pink Christmas Cards of course!
Lots of them.
In fact, have a Pink Christmas Card making extravaganza!! 
So go get a cuppa and pull up a chair, this is going to be a long post.
Posting these puppies was more work than making them! 
You have until  6 pm EST Wednesday October 17th to make a
pink card (there just has to be pink on it somewhere) and link up.
And when you do, you will be adding to the donations for
Breast Cancer Awareness Month!
 A whopping $4.00 per card.
C'mon, I made 10, you can at least make 1!
or 6.
or 20.
I'll be checking.  lol 


  1. totally fab pink projects. seeing them makes me want to get started on my christmas crafting

  2. Wowza girlfriend ... you are most certainly rockin' the pink. I love the Santa Hat ... and those funky pink owls ... that big Jingle Bell ... Pink Father Christmas ... I love them all ... thanks so much for going pink for a cure with us at Jingle Belles.

  3. What a splendid initiative Electra and so see all your lovely pink Christmas cards here is absolutely wonderful! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog, take care, Ira x

  4. WOW what a great assortment of different amazing christmas cards!

  5. Gorgeous creations and beautiful projects!Wonderful blog!

  6. Love your pink Xmas cards, Patti!

  7. Scrolled a moment through your earlier posts to catch up with you Patti !! And guess....I love everything that I saw :-))
    Especially the pieces with your grandson... the raven..and these awesome cards !!

    Hugssss XXX

  8. have i mentioned lately how totally and completely ♥AWESOME♥ you are?! not only did you make 10 pink cards for my all-time favorite JINGLE BELLES week of the year, AND a fabulous cause... you made 10 OUTSTANDINGLY lovely cards that would be worthy of a full-on week all of its own! together, all ten of them, are ALMOST overwhelmingly cool... but in a really REALLY gooooooooooood way! thank you thank you thank you missus!!! ♥♥♥♥♥

  9. just had to come and see them AGAIN... sigh... every single one really is gorgeous and amazing... ("naughty elves" might be my fave, or one of the collage ones? 'course those PINK owls totally rock...) ♥♥♥!

  10. These are flipping fantastic, my dear, you really outdid yourself on the clever here! I missed the date (hanging head in shame) and I am proud of you for your accomplishments!


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