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I'm top 3 :)

I'm the winner :)

I'm top 3 :)

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I'm top 3 :)

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I'm top 3 :)

I'm Daily Talent Spot -2°

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I'm top 3 :)

I'm top 3 :)

I'm top 3 :)

I'm top 3 :)

Frosted Designs

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I'm the winner :)

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I'm the winner :)

I'm a top 3 :)

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I'm the winner :)

I'm a top 3 :)

I'm a top 3 :)

I'm a top 3 :)

I'm a top 3 :)

I'm a top 3 :)

I'm a top 5 :)

I'm the winner :)

I'm the winner :)

I'm Daily Talent Spot -1°

I'm Delight

Blog che seguo:)


My 1°Blogaversary Candy

My 1°Blogaversary Candy
03/04/2012 - 03/04/2013
martedì 4 dicembre 2012

Buongiorno scrapper, creative e hobbist di ogni genere ^_^

Spero abbiate passato un bellissimo weekend.
Finalmente dopo tanta pioggia è arrivato qualche raggio di sole ^_^
Ecco qua un'altra dolce card Natalizia.

Good morning scrappers and creatives of all kind of hobbies ^_^
I hope you all had a beautiful weekend.
Finally after so much rain came some sunshine ^_^

Here another sweet Christmas card.

Altri colori anticonvenzionali per Natale, rosa e salmone.
Other unconventional colors for Christmas, pink and salmon.

Questo adorabile gattino.. non è dolcissimo?
This adorable kitten.. isn't sweet?

Un bel fiocco, strass, fiori ed il sentiment.
Ho provato una cosa nuova che ho visto tante volte su blogland, vi piace?
A beautiful bow, rhinestones, flowers and sentiment.
I tried a new thing I've seen so many times on blogland, do you like?

Con questa card partecipo ai seguenti challenge:
With this card I participate in the following challenges:
Addicted to stamps (Christmas time)
Fashionable stamping (To die for)
Little Claire's (Christmas)
LEJ designs (Countdown to Christmas)
Dream valley (Non traditional Christmas)
I love promarkers (Anything goes)
Simon says stamps (Anything goes)
Crafts and me (Ribbon or trim)
Crafting for all seasons (Use flowers)
Crimbo crackers (Anything goes Christmas or Festive)
Fussy and fancy (I love Christmas)
Tanda stamps (Christmas)
Jingle belles (Anything holidays goes)
Crafts 4 eternity (Christmas Chaos)


Ed ora una splendida notizia per me...
....posso dirvi che sono entrata a far parte del design team mensile di
And now a wonderful news for me...
I can tell you that.... I became part on the monthly design team
Forever Friends Challenge blog.
Sono davvero contenta e non vedo l'ora di lavorare con tutte voi^_^
Grazie di cuore^_^
I'm really happy and I look forward to working with you all ^_^
Thank you very much ^_^

Per oggi è tutto, a presto ^_^
That's all for today,see you soon ^_^

61 commenti:

Squirrel x ha detto...

Bellissima Sonia! Love this, such a sweet kitten and pretty colours. A beautiful card. Congratulations on your Forever Friends DT position, that is wonderful news. Hugs Sxx

The Creative Teacup - Yvonne Spikmans - Van Bruggen ha detto...

Beautiful Christmas card Sonia!! And what a sweet image!!
Love, Yvonne

carla ha detto...

The image is so sweet and I love these colors very much. Lovely card !
Great news for you, congratulations for your DT position.

Seafield Jo ha detto...

This is a lovely card Sonia and the little kitten has the sweetest face.

Congratulations on your new DT post, wonderful news.


Jo x

coops ha detto...

so gorgeous sonia.stunning sweet image and i love your pretty colours and design.
thanks for joining us this week at the Crafts and Me challenge :D

xx coops xx

Claudia ha detto...

Complimenti per il DT!!!!
La card è bellissima,mi piace la struttura non ne avevo mai viste così... il timbro è molto dolce e il fiocco dai 2 colori è carinissimo
un abbraccio

Unknown ha detto...

Complimenti!!!! E naturalmente tenerissima la tua card!!! A presto... Fra

Craftin Suzie (Susan Wykes) ha detto...

Oh wow Sonia this is just so pretty! What a fabulous design its gorgeous. Love the peach and pink together. Hugs Susan x

Carol Willis ha detto...

Oh Sonia, this is adorable. Love the super-cute image and gorgeous card design.
Caz x

Barbara ha detto...

schön, ich freu mich für Dich. Deine Karte ist süss. Ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag. Liebe Grüsse Barbara

adablog14 ha detto...

Ciao Sonia carissima...
what a beautiful christmas card !!!...mi piace molto perche' come dici tu insoliti sono i colori...bisogna osare !!!
bacioni Ada

Sue ha detto...

Awww I love that cute kitten Sonia and you have made such a beautiful card with her. The colours and design are wonderful

Big congratulations on your new DT place too.

Hugs Sue

McCrafty's Cards ha detto...

This is beautiful Sonia, The kitten is adorable, I like the design and the colours.
Kevin xx

Christine Harrop ha detto...

Congratulations on your DT place Sonia! This little kitten is adorable! My great niece would just love it1 I'm sure she was a cat in a former life! love from Christine x

Mrs O crafty blog ha detto...

wonderful colours, cute image, thank you for joining us at LEJ this week..Pauline x

Rita ha detto...

Congratulations Sonia on hearing such great news. I love your card and the roses are beautiful. Hugs from Scotland. Rita xx

Lisa ha detto...

CONGRATULATIONS on your new DT my sweet friend!! I'm so excited for you!! They are lucky to have you on the team :) And wow, your Christmas card is absolutely gorgeous!! I love the design and colors!! The kitty cat image is so adorable!! Fabulous as always my dear friend!! Have a wonderful day!! Huge Hugs :)

A Mermaid's Crafts

As.I.Do.Rodos. ha detto...

Beautiful cute card thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers this week and good luck Ginny X

Unknown ha detto...

wow just wonderful card and coloured just perfect loving the image such a perfect card love the pastel pink colours and paper choices too hugs sassyxxx

micol ha detto...

Ciao Sonia...sai che sono totalmente ignorante in posso immaginare che sia una meravigliosa soddisfazione!!Sei veramente brava, con le tue cards trasmetti tante belle sensazioni e soprattutto te stessa....tanti tanti complimenti!Il micino è tenerissimo!Un abbraccio forte Micol

Anonimo ha detto...

AW! Such a darling kitty my friend!! What a beautiful job you've done with your colors and design!! HUGS :)

Babette ha detto...

Gorgeous card, great colors.
Congrats on your DT spot.

VERONICA ha detto...

bellissima card! mi piace questo timbro!

Sylvia Anderson ha detto...

Beautiful card Sweetie, thank you for joining us in LEJ Designs challenge x

WeirdCat ha detto...

Wonderful card, I love the design, I've never seen one like this before, thank you for joining us at I♥Promarkers this week
Ruth x

Berlinde ha detto...

Such a sweet christmas card Sonia, beautiful colors and a gorgeous design!
Congrats with your DT spot!
Big hug, Berlinde

Unknown ha detto...

oh my, you make such beatuful cards. Thanks for joining my blogcandy :)

HUgs Sandra

Bellezza in ricicletta ha detto...

Mi piace il modello originale e l'adorabile gattino. Ely

Lisa Jane ha detto...

oh this is so cute .. i love the design too its really pretty
Lisa x

Unknown ha detto...

Beautiful card. Thank you for joining us over at LEJ Designs and good luck xxx

michele ha detto...

Thank-you for sharing your fabulous card with us at Crafts 4 Eternity this week :)

Marianne's Craftroom ha detto...

Huge congrats on the news sweetie. Gorgeous card, such a cute image.

Lisa Carroll ha detto...

This is sooo cute! I LOVE the colors you went with, and you colored that adorable image just perfectly. :) Thanks for playing along in the "Anything Goes" challenge over at the Simon Says Stamp challenge blog this week! xo

Unknown ha detto...

wow, complimenti!!! che bella soddisfazione!!!!
questo micino è così tenero....

Donna Mosley ha detto...

Hi Sonia, your comment did indeed make me smile hun. :o)

Love this stunning card. the image and details are gorgeous.

Donna x

Marita Johansson ha detto...

wow so sweet


Yvonne Garner ha detto...

What an adorable Christmas Card! Love your color palette and your choice of image. Thanks for sharing with us at FSC! Best, Yvonne

Keren Tamir ha detto...

Gorgeous card!! Wow!!!

Marianne ha detto...

Hi my dearest friend,
I love your card, it's so different than a usual christmascard.
Well done.
Hugs, Marianne

Hello ha detto...

Hi Sonia, just wanted to pop over to say hello, I'm really looking forward to working with you and the other DT ladies at FF
Huge Hugs, Lorraine xXx

debby4000 ha detto...

Absolutely gorgeous Sonia and so cute too.

Eleonora ha detto...

Carissima Sonia, doppi complimenti! Il primo per la card tenerissima e il secondo per la tua nuova avventura che sicuramente di darà tante soddisfazioni!
Immensi auguri

Anonimo ha detto...

This is so pretty and the little band is very clever, such a sweet card my friend, beautifully done
Hugs julie P

Sabrina ha detto...

Un'altra card dolcissima!
Complimenti per la tua nuova avventura.

May ha detto...

Gorgeous card, Love the colours & detail... Such a cute image.. Thank you for joining us at Fussy & Fancy... May x x

Lindsay Craftymonster81 ha detto...

Really gorgeous, I love the pink and yellow colour combination and the cute image. Congratulations on your new dt position, very well deserved and I will be looking forward to seeing your creations
Lindsay xx

Ursula Alice Stegmann ha detto...

Carissima amica, tanti auguri. Te lo meriti perché sei Bravissimo!!!
Come è bella, il Tuo biglietto, cosi tenero.
Saluti e abbracci, Ulla

Berit Synnøve ha detto...

This is adorable. Love your image and layout.
Thanks for joinng Crafts 4 Eternity.
Hugs Berit

cotnob ha detto...

Hi Sonia, it is lovely to be joining you on the Forever Friends DT, I have been having a quick look around your blog - you have some beautiful cards and projects.

Teresa ha detto...

Superb card for our Christmastime challenge at Addicted to stamps thanks for playing along.
Teresa x

Donna Ellis ha detto...

Sonia, such a darling kitty card! Mischievous kitty, too! Sweet colors and flowers.

Unni A ha detto...

Adorable! What a cute kitten :) Love the layout and colors!
hugs Unni

Laura ha detto...

Hi Sonia, wow what a beautiful card you have here! Congratulations on your DT post, I very much look forward to working with you!
Laura xx

Camilla ha detto...

Nice colourcombo :D

Like the motive

Dunja Trautmann ha detto...

Ciao Sonia
your card is amazing. love the pink tones so much.

Sorry, wasn't commenting a few days (or weeks?) i am really sorry, but was so busy and ill for few days.

sending biggest hugs to you sweetie
Dunja xx

cotnob ha detto...

Hi Sonia, I just popped back to say thank you for sharing your beautiful card with us at Crafting for all Seasons.

Kjersti ha detto...

A gorgeous Christmas card Sonia!
Thanks for playing along at Addicted to Stamps Christmas challenge this time!
Hugs Kjersti:)

Esther ha detto...

Lovely Christmas card - such pretty soft colours and a bit different for Christmas....Thanks so much for sharing with us at FSC..Esther xx

Ellen Taylor ha detto...

So soft and sweet Sonia! Your belly band is fabulous! Love the colors and that adorable kitty! Hope all is well with you my friend!!
Big, big hugs!

Jani ha detto...

So cute :)
Thanks for joining us at CFAS!
Jani x

Annie ha detto...

This is beautiful, I love the gorgeous image. Thanks for sharing your creation with us over at Fussy and Fancy Friday. Ann xxx

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Un po' di me * A little about me

Le mie foto
Verona, Italy
Sono Sonia,ho 38 anni e vivo a Verona. Sono felicemente sposata dal 2009 e mamma di due bimbe meravigliose che mi riempino la vita e la rendono meravigliosa ^_^ I'm Sonia, I am 38 years old and live in Verona. I am happily married since 2009 and mother of two wonderful little little girls,they fills my life and make it amazing ^_^
Visualizza il mio profilo completo

I'm DT member ^_^

I'm DT member ^_^

I was DT member ^_^

Passati di qua

I miei premi :)

I miei premi :)
Grazie Blankina, Turwen e a Mamma con la toga

Grazie Betta ^_^

Grazie a Micol,a Lucia,a Monica e Martina:)

Thank you Lindsay

Thank you Lindsay

Grazie Micol :)

Grazie Margherita e a Renate

Grazie a Micol, a Federica e ad Alessia

Grazie ad Erika

Grazie a Sonya

Grazie Nuvolina

Grazie a Mona

Grazie a Mona

Grazie a Micol

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